Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds

I had an epiphany last night after a bunch of Ally suddenly ragequit from our team during a losing Wintergrasp game… why not just replace bg leavers with AI bots? :thinking:

Seems like everybody wins

  1. in-queue players are happy because they don’t get dropped into losing bgs anymore (never a fun experience)
  2. the losing team still (technically) gets their backfillers to fill up the open slots
  3. at least the AI bots “never” go AFK or stop trying, but a lot of human players have a tendency to go AFK in a corner of the map or stop trying during a losing bg

Think about it, it seems like a creative use for this AI bot technology. As we saw with the recent brawl, the AI bots seem to do “OK” in the little bgs like Arathi Basin - which is “good enough” considering a surprising % of human players don’t play much better than the bots anyways :rofl:

I imagine with some tweaking to their behavior/programming the AI bots could possibly be viable in the epic bgs/40 mans as well.

For example, they could tweak a Boomkin AI bot to simply try stay at max range and spam Starfall on cooldown, and program it with a self-defense “kite away” routine in the event of getting focused by the enemy team. Or they could program a healer Priest AI bot to try to stay in the “back” of the group and spam heals, with a self-defense “kite away” routine of it’s own.

They could also program the AI bots in such a way such that when certain objectives are met, such as a keep wall going down in Isle of Conquest, the bots will “automatically” drop whatever they are doing and rush to the enemy base - to mimic “ALL IN” tactics used by human players.

An added bonus is that this AI bot technology could also be used to “make up for” a lack of healers on one team or the other :thinking:

If - during the pregame matchmaking process - the matchmaking system detects that team A only has 2 healers while team B has 6 healers the AI bot backfill system could “kick in” and add 4 AI bot healers to team A such that the number of healers is balanced. This would pretty much end complaints of “our team only got 1 healer!” in 40 man bgs