9.0 Dragon Isles looking More and More Likely

I don’t know… if they can make it good maybe, but Dragon Soul was terrible raid, and I hope if they’re going with dragons, they stick to some sort of caves or something. No flying boss fights please, unless we’re all on ground and boss flies in a phase. Also who’d be the villain?

Interestingly enough, chromatus was said to be so powerful when created that all the dragon aspects managed to defeat it but its body is indestructible, and thrall said he was glad it was a corpse or whatever but saw movement.

Chromatus the multi-dragon aspect dragon

Ehhh… I don’t know, we used to have Villains we could connect to, Arthas, Illidan, Garrosh (shush)… How can they make us feel for the dragon villain? And of course not make this about stupid faction conflicts that eat writing, because WoW writers claim there’s no writing space for side things, just 1 thing.

Nozdormu the time god dragon has always talked about seeing the end of the world, maybe wrathion helps the dragonflight make a comeback and they destroy the crap out of us? the aspects are “good” but bronze dragonflight has always been oddly neutral or chaotic.
I woudnt mind a nozdormu/wrathion xpac where they team up and kill us. seems like an okay idea I guess.

Depends on whether N’zoth lives or dies… and if he dies, what that death means. I could see the developers tossing in something about killing all the imprisoned Old Gods somehow heralding the second Black Empire.

Well whatever it is, I hope to see some good story and fixed Villain(s), tired of this boring faction drama. Just get the Sylvanas soap opera out of the way and let’s dig into some Black Empire and Dragons.


This is what we have currently in BFA, or am I not understanding what you mean?

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He wants to continue the trend into the next expansion.

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It is, and I generally enjoy it much more than a singular, shared leveling path.

I misunderstood your post. I too like this style of separate quests as well. Feels less overwhelming.

Plus in the past I never finished all the quests before maxing out. I would always end up with 3 or 4 zones left untouched and end up never getting to them because gearing gear became the priority.

Western Wastes flashback, engaged.

For young’ins – Western Wastes was a dragon dominated zone in Everquest 1, which featured the seat of power of the dragons, the Temple of Veeshan and was saturated with large, hungry/hangry dragons.

The Temple was guarded by a huge, red raid dragon (Sontalak) that took a big raid to kill, and the once you zoned in, you had dozens more dragons and related monsters to kill for fun or profit.

There was even an “undead” dragon zone in Western Wastes called the Dragon Necropolis. It featured undead nasties and the boss was an black, undead dragon, that also took a raid to kill (although my guild leader eventually three box killed this raid boss to sell off the loot).

You didn’t just go to Western Wastes, boring style. You had to fight your way through a very tough semi under water zone (Siren’s Grotto) after getting to some of the higher level areas of the Velious expansion. These were all end game areas and not for the weak of heart or those who didn’t own an extra pair of under pants.

There were some infamous videos of huge raid guilds having horrible wipes while raiding the Northern Temple of Veeshan (it was a nasty, nasty place). Even after levels rose and people started going to Western Wastes to solo certain dragons, there were still things (Sontalak, inside ToV) that you just couldn’t do.

That being said, a dragon expansion would be nice.


Major flashbacks.

If you’ve ever read the Dragonlance series, and I am assuming you haven’t given your question, that was a dragon-themed story done properly. Wies and Hickman did an outstanding job on those books, even created an entirely new world and mythology for their stories. TSR, the makers of AD&D back then, made modules(that’s adventures for you youngsters) for that story that were almost as good as the books. The first three books spawned dozens of others as well, and finally, a 4th one in the original series to finish the story of the characters from the first three.

This dev team though, they’d just ruin it the way EQ ruined their dragon-themed expansion. My personal wish is that some other company makes a dragon-themed MMORPG, makes it well and with a great story. That way the devs of WoW will have yet another example of how to do their job properly.

Semper Fi! :us:


For the love of God, please do not, I repeat, do not bring back THE OCCULUS!!!

Never understood people’s issue with that dungeon. Quick and straightforward. Easy gimmick endboss. I don’t understand why a slight bit of verticality makes people go all Wrath of Khan.

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Eh, I’d rather they take the shot and miss rather than not take it. I’m just a big fan of this particular game, as it were. Sometimes your team loses, but it was worth it to watch them play.

We sure don’t need any more isles.

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Sure, we do. Azeroth has a lot more than what is currently represented.

It wasn’t the run per se, but the LFD peeps that didn’t know which dragon to get, goes down instead of up and then yelling “WHERE IS EVERYONE” or , my favorite, falling off the walkways

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