9.0 Dragon Isles looking More and More Likely

Ogres and High Elves (both with unique models) as core races included with the expansion.

Dragonmaw and Wildhammer as Allied Races to start, given the focus on flying beasts and the Twilight Dragonflight, which roosts in their backyard.

Drakonid and/or Dragonspawn as neutral Allied Races later in the expansion after we revitalize the dragonflights with whatever MacGuffin Wrathion is after.


Nah, it’s definitely going to be the long awaited Emerald Dream expansion that’s been theorized since 2005.

LOL… yup. It’s gotten so bad that now, not only do we get barely half the story in game, we get a rushed and convoluted version that has to be explained and fixed through stories and novels.

The Emerald Dream stuff is over and done with. That’s why it was in Legion. They incorporated parts of their old idea into the Dreamway and Val’sharah.

Someone didn’t go into the cave at the end of the raid.

Someone very much did go into the cave at the end of the raid. A flower for what’s left of the Nightmare is not an Emerald Dream expansion. Blizz literally said in a Q&A that they put what they had from the Emerald Dream expansion idea into the Dreamway and Val’sharah.

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Misdirection. It’s just want they want you to think.

There’s nothing left to do with the Emerald Dream that hasn’t been done already. Dragon Isles makes more sense.

And there damn well better be at least five zones for each of the five flights. Because Tiny Grounded Island of Warcraft needs to stop. I want more zones.


However it incarnates, it’ll be quite interesting, I’m sure.

Eh, I’m kind of over the Emerald Dream. You can hint something to death, it seems.

Agreed. So long as they don’t ruin the dragonflights like they tried very hard to do at the end of Cata.

The dragons are one of my favorite parts of warcraft lore.


Well after the latest ‘Thrones’ episode, people are more interested in dragons today than ever before. A wise business move over doing a Rise of the Lich King Bolvar.

Then again…

At this point, you could easily give Bolvar his own patch to tie into the Dragon stuff. He’s been interfering with the dragonflights, to say the least.

More hints about Wrathion’s future relevance in today’s Wowhead interview:

" Final question. Our last question from 2018’s dev interview was on Wrathion’s whereabouts, so here’s another! We played through the 8.2 content and noticed Wrathion’s agents keep appearing. Any statements on why they keep popping up?

It’s great for the Dragonflights to be back in the spotlight again, they have some complex and interesting storylines. For example, we get to see the daughter of Ysera and explore her feelings. A lot of things have happened. Lots of storytelling there…and that’s all we want to say for now."

OMFG dude that would be so rad… Now I would TOTALLY play that expansion IF they fix class design, character progression and if they make rewards feel rewarding again. :smiley:

I would support this.

On the idea of a dragon class, I think it’s neat but what if it went another direction.

What if each class was assigned a flight to learn from or in turn you were given a choice of what flight to follow?

So you follow a flight and it enhances your abilities or give you certain class specific abilities.

Think of red flight enhancing your offensive abilities and awarding new fire spells or something like that for mages.

Blue dragonflight giving arcane oriented magics to mages.

Black flight or earthen being a general tanking enhancement flight.

And green being the healing flight.

Bronze would be wicked fun with time altering magics to classes.

I for some reason see it going this way and awarding generic bonuses but I have hoped they would assign a flight and through that you would unlock a 4th spec for your class.

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I’m not a fan of a specific dragonflight being tied to gameplay. I might hate the Black Dragons, but need to “dedicate” myself to them to pursue an avenue of gameplay, for a simple example.

There is also a big bad that was never released or talked about, its a dragon with a head from each dragon aspect, thrall apparently talked about it saying it was only a corpse but he saw it move or something.


As well, a massive [Chromatic drake]) with five heads-- one representing each of the [Dragonflight] named [Chromatus]) is re-animated using the energies of the [Eye of Eternity] and the blood of [Malygos] under the direction of the mysterious [Twilight’s Hammer clan] leader, the [Human]) known as the [Twilight Father].