Don’t get me wrong - I love the old zones, and I love revisiting them. But WoW has only ever had a portion of the in-lore world explorable. The more we expand, the better.
BfA has made use of a lot of old zones even though it’s mainly based on a new continent. I don’t think Blizzard sees those things as being mutually exclusive. Exploring a new area is one of the biggest appeals of a new expansion imo.
When cata destroyed some zones it had the same effect, plus our world showing continuity.
… I am blaming this community for that a-hole dragon coming back into this story when he should’ve been killed off and erased from existence.
I wish Deathwing had been more… subtle. He had some nuance as a character before he had his (literal) meltdown.
I suppose that’s what happens after you get your butt beat down a bunch of times and you start literally falling apart where plates have to be nailed into your skin… and Old Gods completely take over your brain.
I love dragons, but I really hope they don’t involve them in a playable race/class. I can’t see it working out, at all. That’s right up there with the tacky wings in Korean MMOs trope. Ugh.
More islands, huh? That’s too bad, would have rather had another whole continent, a huge one, and don’t tell me there isn’t room on Azeroth for another continent, it’s flipping pixels, there’s plenty of room. You can save your excuses, I won’t buy a single one of them.
Semper Fi!
Depends on implementation. I highly doubt a Dragonsworn class would be tackier than Demon Hunters.
I dunno, I think it would be. The way they implemented the wings actually worked well, I thought. If they were permanent, that would be another thing.
Take a look at D2. Some work, some don’t. And some people like tacky.
Don’t forget the one island expedition quest that hints that there’s thousands of dragons still left in Grim Batol.
We also never found out what happened to Goriona, who is likely the new Clutchmother of the Twilight Dragons. (Which is why they are popping up everywhere)
That said, no, I doubt Dragonsworn will ever be a class. If anything, Mechagnomes is just building up to Tinker.
Agree to disagree. I’m sure if they implemented something like this, many people would enjoy it. It’s just not for me.
That’s fair.
It’s just a shame that this was his introduction to the character to millions of people. A flashback quest or something could have been nice.
Yeah… that would’ve been nice, instead of having to rely on the books.
If there is a dragon themed expansion potentially forthcoming, it would be a great time to introduce playable Ogres for the Horde. The Stonemaul Clan haven’t been very happy with dragons destroying their home and taking over the ruins. I’m sure they would love an opportunity to smash some evil dragons!
When the WarCraft II manual tells a more compelling story than your multi-million dollar RPG, you have an issue.
Not to be a downer,
but i genuinely don’t understand the appeal of dragon themes
Every expansion they seem to just be there, with wrath and cataclysm both revolving around dragons.
If anyone would care to share the reason, or their reason behind the hype, I would be all ears.
There’s just something so primordial about them. The amalgamation of every instinctual human fear. The ultimate opponent that finds itself at the centre of myth and legend in virtually every human culture.
But even as universal as they are… not everyone is going to buy into it. I could never get into Pandaren. “Elves with attitude” just aren’t my thing. But I can understand why they appeal to others, and thusly why the narrative shifts in their direction from time to time.
Bores me to death, but I can find enjoyment in the enjoyment of others.