9.0 Dragon Isles looking More and More Likely


/flails like a Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Man


:dragon_face: Don’t forget the emotes! :dragon:


You will bow down to your Queen Moira Thaurissan or else: “Dracarys”.


But the only dragon-emotes available are vastly inferior green dragons…



Well, if dragons will be all the rage in the next expansion that means we can look forward to the newly bred Drag’dorei.

Just remember to lip sync for your life, and do not ef it up.



I mean, my guild had an affinity for Red, but Green works for Keldar. :dragon:


Dwarves hate orcs just saying

Especially Dragonmaw Orcs - the ones that took Grim Batol. But that’s neither here nor there: I would welcome the conflict a Dwarven King would bring. That’s a faction war that has my interest!

There is not a lot of info in canon about the Dragon Isles, but here are some things we can say, taken from wowpedia:

-In old maps they are situated off the northern coast of the Plaguelands, and southeast of Northrend. So there is definitely the potential that the scourge have been there and have some lingering presence. It’s also one area in the current world map with room left for a large land mass.

-In vanilla there were unused building models labeled as Dragon Isles assets. They had a nautilus shape similar to the Shrine of the Storms temple and were intended to be Old God temples.

-Despite their name, in the scant info we have about them there is nothing specifically dragon-related, though if Wrathion is interested in them we can probably assume there are dragons there.

-There was an unlabeled set of islands on the world map in their presumed location until Wrath of the Lich King.

Good, then we can finally meet the Dragon Elves that Nozdormu took the form of.

Ye but he’s gotta be really arrogant to make it interesting, I don’t want another flower picking Magni

Hot-headed, high-flying Falstad Wildhammer is your man!

I’m so excited about this because I predicted it all the way back before BFA even launched.

Azeroth doesnt need new zones…

Sure, it does.

Classic is there for you.

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I dig it. I’d love some more dragon stuff to happen. I felt kind of lost lore-wise after the aspects lost their powers in Cata.

You really wanna keep adding more space that a year later will have no one around?
We got tons of cool looking citys, all empty

You know, I really don’t care about Dustwallow Marsh, or any old world zone. I just don’t care, because those zones have gotten old. Azeroth needs more zones so we can be excited for things.

Idk if you trolling at this point dude… But, they could remake older zones, give them new uses, bring the war back to old places like we did in arathi.
Watch how some little campaments grow stronger, destroyed citys being rebuilt, barrens being completly conquered by orcs, etc etc etc.