8.3 worst patch since release

Garrisons were largely ignored in WoD. Because they were well boring.

Noted. Already corrected myself.

Nah, that’s not true. Most people did most of the content in Garrisons, even invasions. The Invasion raid bosses however hardly ever were summoned. Some people to this day don’t even know they exist.

What do people really expect from Blizzard…lol…

WoW is based on Everquest.
World Quest were taken from Warhammer public quest.
The new heavy story direction was taken from SWTOR.
Whole theme of Mist of Pandaria is from Kung Fu Panda
Guild Wars 2 created WvW and then Blizzard made Cross-Realm grouping.
Etc. Etc.

Recently, there haven’t been a lot of hyped up MMOs which is why there has been nothing NEW or innovative happening in WoW.

Grind reputation and tokens. Grind the same raid and dungeons 100000 times.

You raided and got a world first random raid boss?

I don’t care.


Anyone know any good addons for this patch? I can’t stand flying around staring at the mini-map.

Warcraft III, released in 2002, vs Kung Fu Panda, released in 2008.



Go look at Warcraft panda art and then look at the ones in WoW.

Wut indeed.

But people keep on with this narrative.


I was able to complete all quests in a reasonable amount of time. The raid was actually very well done. There was an end goal that I could obtain without falling behind. I liked everything about it more. Granted Nyalotha is not out yet so there’s no comparison on the raid itself.

That being said, another issue I’ve come across. I haven’t gotten a single piece of corrupted gear from visions. i didn’t even realize you were supposed to. Looking at what the gear does that puts me even further behind. And I’m certain i’m not the only one to experience this.

I mean, yeah you are and it’s kinda annoying. Chen predates Kung Fu panda by 6 years. You’d think after you guys got schooled so hard on the forums during Mists, you would have dropped this dumb talking point.


Not attacking you Bas, so please don’t even read into this. Jus sayin’

This is the word of the forums (s)Hyperbole, hyperbole, hyperbole…hyperbole /kicks the desk (/s). I have learned to absolutely hate this word.

I don’t think it’s all of Blizz dev’s fault. Some people just do their job. When I did dev work, it didn’t matter if I liked the product - I had a job to do and had to make money. It’s the decision makers’ faults. They are the ones that should be ashamed of themselves.


Yeah they are trying to spin this but this patch is only become worse once reset rolls around. Just watch.

Would you prefer Exaggeration ?

Ooo they had one panda.

That wasn’t fat but instead were muscular and looked nothing like Poe from Kung Fu Panda.

And you think one Panda justifies a whole expansion around the same time Kung Fu Panda was at it’s peak?

Yeah. You’re definitely fooling yourself.


How one feels isn’t ‘exaggerating’ or /growls ‘hyperbole’ … gosh I hate that dang word

Dude. Chen came first and Kung Fu Panda peaked during WotLK. Mists shipped in 2012, not 2008, by which time Kung Fu Panda was in its direct to VHS bad sequel phase no one cared about (not that the original film peaked any higher than the bump to enter your driveway does).


I ignored my garrison for the most part in WoD…it was so tacky. I knew about but never did events related to it save the holiday stuff. It was about getting resources for me, nothing more.

LOL that’s what I’ve done for every one after the first. I’d tone down on being the judge of who sucks and who doesn’t looking at your profile though.

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That is all I have done successfully due to being stupid enough to pug them.

Are you serious?

You know that Kung Fu Panda has 3 movies?

The last one being in 2016.

Ah, so it’s the old “anyone with a different opinion is wrong” troll.