8.3 proves devs have learned nothing. More grind and timegates

You mean like in previous expansion before WoD?

Grinding has been a thing for YEARS.


They know what they’re doing. Those thing were made this way on purpose, there is no mistake.

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“Core player power” Lmao, especially considering they will be gone next expac, it is just another grindy time gated system of borrowed power but sure, they ll keep calling it whatever they want xD

or you know, has only gotten worse now to the point BfA is worse than wod


Its been about the same. The only thing has been timegated.


The sad thing is they explicitly said it is core player power which means any alt is gimped without higher ranked essences.

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You realize that paying for things with gold rather than money is more profitable for Blizzard right? When you pay for a month of WoW time with gold you’re purchasing a WoW token that someone else paid $20 for instead of $15. So every month you pay with gold puts an extra $5 in Blizz’s pocket. Great from a personal standpoint since it’s not your $20 but if you’re doing it to make a statement I think you might be disappointed.


It also isnt like most classes and spec alts already know their top 3-4 essences.

That is not relevant.

The point is that if classes are balanced around essences it means they are significant and powerful.

Even the lead dev said they are core player power recently.

Hey if you want to live in your own fictional world, stay there, wont bother


You mean where TBC literally had grindy rep factions, gear grinding, attunement, dailies, etc?

Its been the same stuff rehashed for YEARS. All points of WoW have had some point of grinding that was required to get to wnd game content.

Corrupted gear really isn’t a thing for me since I don’t do anything beyond LFR, not sure if horrific visions can drop it, but I am not pleased that horrific visions are gated so heavily. Sub runs out soon, so guess I’ll be waiting for Shadowlands until then, hopefully they’ll finally relent on some of the time gating in it.

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You arent going to be able to run it that much anyways due to the vessals cost being 10k.

Unless ypu are hardcore grinding the currnecy, yoy aint doing it more than 1-2 a day.

No rep tabards no Shadowlands as far as I’m concerned.

I just do the daily lesser visions for 1k of the currency. The other dailies for 50 aren’t worth the time.

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They give rep and azerite though, both which are good.

Even if we saw rep tabards again, people would complain at those too

But you’d actually have a choice in how you wanted to do the grind which is better than being forced to do WQ/Dailies for months.


And people complained about the rep tabards back then, which made the systems change. People just dont want to grind.


Tabards were the best. BFA rep system is trash.


The people who buy the WoW tokens that everyone is paying their sub with. It’s really not that complicated. If no one buys the WoW tokens to sell then you can’t pay your sub with gold.

I have nothing against people paying their sub with gold, it clearly works for you. I just don’t think you’re sticking it to Blizz the way you think you are. I’m not sure how that’s sheep-worthy.