8.3 Pay to Win Raiding

all of them are being trivialized by that much corruption dps going out. when a passive ability/spell thats not mechanical or skill abilitiy that has random procs thats a passive and its is your number 1 or number 2 most dps ability that you can buy on the AH it 100% trivializes the content to a pay to win model.

paying for titanforging was no where near this influential. its crazy how strong it is. if you watch the world first race the top dps will be wearing boe’s they bought from the AH. all other guilds will have to either buy them themselves or farm them for weeks. its stupid that this pay to win model is what the world first people have to do to compete with all the other top guilds doing the same pay to win model.

Oh cool, so everyone cleared mythic already?

checks list

…wait a second.

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I honestly think at this point, he is just grasping for straws man. The game has always allowed BoE items to be sold in the AH. Said BoE items dropping from, wait for it, THE RAID ITSELF. So in order to obtain said BoE items, the raid has to be participated in.

Bad Troll is bad man… WoW is farm from pay to win. Honestly OP has never played a true PTW game.

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Wow has never, and will never be ‘pay 2 win’

You cannot get a BoE in every slot, hell, your 4 main slots in this patch cannot be filled by BoEs as there are none for those slots (No BoE Azerite Armour, and the BoA tokens don’t give you a high enough ilvl to clear content.) and there is no BoE cloak.

Assuming that there are BoE’s for every other slot, yes, they -could- be purchased from the AH, but the core slots that let you actually progress easily? Those can’t be bought.

So… If it’s a race to world first… Who farmed the raid for the BoE’s?

Derp de derp

You are starting to get to the path of understanding. your absolutely right you cant buy BOE’s in every slot. but with how powerful corruption is, you don’t need to. in fact you don’t even really need your other gear to be that good. you get one boe that accounts for up to 20-40% of your damage and often will be your number one dps ability it doesn’t matter how many slots you can purchase, having just one piece of armor provide so much is the part that breaks the game and makes it pay to win. in the old system if you bought every possible boe titan forge bis traits with sockets you still wouldn’t gain the amount of dps increase that even one of these corruption provide. now add on being able to buy a few more slots even without corruption and boom you got a pay to win model.

So which events were made trivial by corruption gear?


If you are with equally skilled players then yes a corruption effect will push you over them.

If you are with players where they are significantly worse than you (or the inverse) then it is unlikely you will be behind.

This is not P2W. If you want to call it that then anyone who is a millionaire in WoW gold is P2W when in fact that money was earned through various activities.

And just to illustrate how much gold these World First mythic guilds are using, they are literally taking loans from other players with interest to buy these BoEs. In addition, items with corruption effects are marked up A LOT. It’s like an investment for the chance of World First, something that could fail and make the process a failure. Of course the Mythic Nzoth carries for two gold caps will help them later.

If its a race to world first… Who is farming the raid for BoE gear and selling it in the AH again?

Asking for a friend.

what I am not getting is op…how do you know they are buying these?

I am assuming top guilds have a system of hook us up in place. You can be in our guild but…yeah…good loot goes to the greater good. The A team needs your drop, time to give it up as a guild tax.

Its what I did in eve with some corps/alliances. However I got bene’s for that. I know I have done a few titan fund drives to pay help pay for a corp’s titan. Here is how that went.

They boosted corp tax on pve rewards to like 75%. That means they got 75% of your earnings. you took home 25%.

Benefit? your corp had a titan to have fun with those.

So I guess the people getting good parses without the good corruptions are just a fluke and not players who know how to play?

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Which BoE does this? Is there a corrupted piece that causes the boss to stop doing mechanics? How is getting a 10k (it’s not that skewed since reset day tuning) boost “trivialize” the content.

My guild, and most mythic guilds that aren’t Limit and Method, don’t suffer from wiping due to lack of DPS.

By the time most guilds hit N’zoth they will have a couple resets worth of farm in and be around 475 ilvl. Method and Limit are trying to kill bosses in way less gear, so they are hungry for any upgrade they can get their hands on.

It still doesn’t “trivialize the content”, they will still take hundreds of pulls on N’zoth, and your average mythic guild will still not be wiping to DPS checks, but people dying, so all this corrupted crying is completely irrellevant.

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Nah, yall are clearly wiping because one specific guy is doing 10k less dps. If that one single guy did 10k more dps, the entire event is a joke!


Nobody in our raid has the magic corruption piece.

+50 corruption “trivializes boss encounters by making them stop doing many of their abilities”

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but are you mad?

Wow I thought I saw it all on these forums but you proved me wrong.

OP is a derp who wants to QQ. He refuses to answer any of the obvious questions.

If its a race to world first… Who is selling this amazing gear instead of utilizing it? Who is farming the raids for said gear during world first?

Which boss fights specifically does it trivialize?

Despite OP complaining about a non-issue like boes, I think more attention needs to be put on corrupted gear. At first I was glad titanforging was going away, but they just replaced it with a system that’s even worse. Some of the corruption effects are stupid OP.

I got lucky with a r3 infinite stars. It’s literally over 20% of my dps on single target fights. One piece of gear (gloves, not even a weapon or trinket) should be so important and only be obtained by good RNG.

Time is money, friend.

Please, tell me how this is effecting you?