8.3 Pay to Win Raiding

We had in raid last night a person who had allot of boe gear (I’m assuming since he had some
HC gear , and crafter gear)
But the problem is , we didn’t see him in action . He died at first mechanic and left the raid.

So that’s why I’m assuming he bought his gear

They don’t go in debt. They just use money people give them and buy tokens . You know this new type “professional gamer “ job , where you legally beg for money on videos

These are all pretty easily answered questions.

  1. Anyone on their server who wants to make hundreds of thousands of gold. Some people would much rather pay for their sub for 3-4 months than get a 10-15% DPS increase.
  2. People who want to make hundreds of thousands of gold.
  3. Yet to be seen which fight becomes the first “wall”, like Ashvane was in TEP. But more DPS makes literally every fight easier because meeting DPS checks even a few seconds earlier means you have more leeway in how you handle mechanics.

By the time most people are setting foot into this instance at this difficulty, world first is already achieved. So I honestly highly doubt BoE gear is going to shatter the game.

It’s been in place every single patch and just because of corruption people have to QQ about something. Oh noes!!! The game isn’t perfect and doesn’t live up to my entitled @$$ standards. If you don’t enjoy the game, leave.

There are things I don’t enjoy and things I do about the game. But OP is literally QQing because he’s envious of people who can afford to buy BoE gear. Go farm some gold ya lazy sack.

I honestly doubt the race to world first is suffering due to a lack of DPS btw. If anything its due to mechanics.

To be blunt, WoW is not, nor has it ever been PTW. There are tons of games that are examples of PTW and obviously OP has never set foot in them.

Mythic BoE’s aren’t necessary. Heroics are perfectly fine. And once you kill Wrathion, there is a HUGE amount of trash you can easily farm.

Before Corruption, this wasn’t an issue, because BoE’s couldn’t get traits which would account for 10%+ of your DPS. Even a 455 normal in TEP, while incredibly desirable for the high end guilds, wouldn’t be account for nearly the level of power that a good Corruption can.

Corruptions closest equivalent in terms of power is just under Legion legendaries.

The second half of your point is completely irrelevant.

Completely irrelevant. Corruption is a bad system regardless that heavily prioritizes luck, over either skill or preparation.

Corrupted BoE’s being as valuable as they are is a symptom of the problem. Not the problem itself.

You’d be wrong. Learning the mechanics for most fights is easy (at that level of play at least). Beating DPS checks, whether they be explicit, like Berserk timers, or implicit, like phasing the boss before it does X mechanics is a far bigger wall at that level of play.

It’s only when you get to the regular level of play, where you’re doing content with 10-15ilvls on what the people who did World First that mechanics tend to matter far more than gear.

I don’t care about guilds dumping millions upon millions at the start of a tier. That happens every tier. WoW isn’t P2W, in that I agree with you.

The increased relevance of BoE’s this tier is a symptom of how stupidly broken Corruptions are, not the actual problem itself.

It’s a final patch and they’ve always been wonky. We’ll see how shadowlands is.