8/28 Scheduled Maintenance: What are they fixing?

So, they are scaling them now, now that everyone already has their toons all lvl’d?
So now the rest of us have to deal with a harder lvl’ing experience because of this?

I don’t feel this is a fair “a crossed the board” hotfix. Why, why do this now? All it does is screw that ones that aren’t elites over.

Don’t have to imagine it, I’ve lived through it.

One of the things they’re fixing is this:

The horror. By the time you hit 77-78 you’ll not even notice the difference anyway. Got my sweet tea all set up and my popcorn ready to pop so i can enjoy all the QQ threads coming

they are removing the fun for the brokeboi’s that didnt buy the version to give a 3 day nerfree game time. Now they realized commoners are having fun, they are removing the ability for lowbies to do anything so we have to pay the level 80s to boost us.

Scaling, dungeons will be slower too. RIP. Glad I spammed dungeons on my hunter alt and got to 80 before this.

Do people really still used this overly cheesy response? I always imagine its some 50 year old out of shape person saying this stuff

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but what about all the people coming it at 360ish?

100% this right here.

Guy above said he was in that range and still having a very easy time

“Im not complaining”
(then proceeds to complain)

Is hitting the same questing mob 20 times way more exciting? Now just remember how many quest mobs you have to kill before becoming completely useless and hitting like a wet noodle at 80 is. Would being powerful for a few last measly levels really ruin your fun? Replacing that power with the feeling of weakness really that much more rewarding?

Contemplate this on the Tree of Woe.

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or more accurately , what are they breaking?

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Sorry there aren’t enough pieces left in Khaz’algar for all the King’s horses or all the King’s men to put back together .

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i hope they fix the DC from the game when fly up or go an area

got a chuckle from this

or having to do /reload every few quests because nothing happens when you click on a quest npc

If you just dinged 70 it’s more like 330 gear.

As a 50yo out of shape person, i take offense to this… i never mention breaking out the popcorn… i always imagine its some pimple-faced Gen-Z teenager saying this stuff.

It happens in dungeons too. So much that you think you are about to be diconnected.

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they’re buffing balance clearly :3