yeah it finally happened in cathedral one i though i was gonna disconnect
No younger kids talk like this. Its all boomers man.
They have judged balancing based on the performance of full m+ geared groups running normal dungeons at level 70 while being 100+ ilvls above quest gear and feel the need to make leveling harder based on that. They dont care about the scrubs with freshly leveled toons.
just walk away and walk back, always works for me
I came into TWW with DF greens/blues from the few days I leveled from 1-70. I felt overpowered at the start, I can’t even imagine what top-end geared DF player is experiencing.
haven’t had any lag aside from some minor in ringing deeps, sure its not an addon?
there’s a certain leveling addon that had issues with it and my wife had an issue with a rep addon that lagged her out every quest turn in
Thats the story with my druid that I played on a little. He has 360ish gear and I am demolishing mobs…but I hope they dont make the quest/open world mobs have Dungeon/Raid boss HP and attack/spell power.
Well, they did a pretty good job of breaking Dalaran…
Every day
Stupid tanks who like to pull 1/2 of the dungeon while people are desperately trying to keep up and basically relegated to pressing W the whole time. Much fun!
Classic lock without burning speed response
Me, they are fixing me.
They asked me not to buy early access to give others a chance and i agreed but my power levels were still to high, they are trying to hold me back.
I feel like blood actually quested faster than frost because i didn’t have to actually target anything (blood boil vs say, howling blast) and that alone let me just run by and kill things faster since they were so weak anyway. I spent more time targeting than killing.
my ah isnt laggy , your ui might be buggy. check your add ons and maybe do a / reload ui
Just speculating, but maybe it was a Monday thing?
I didn’t log in for Monday launch due to working, but when I did log in after Tuesday reset all my pre-patch gear was still in my warbank and still war-bound.
I dunno what to tell you. Hopefully they can put them back, along with the G-bank stuff.
(I did lose a lot of that… )
Twice on Sunday
That’s funny, All the unequipped gear that I placed in my warband bank is all still there…even the lower level gear from other sources that is like the pre-patch gear is still there…
I’ll admit, I snorted with laughter at this one
I hope they fix the agro issues. Druid Bear agro is terrible
and now extended another hour , another day planned playing shot in the butt. They should change the banner on the home page from Live Now to Live Sometimes