82% Damage Difference from the bookends of PVP

Ahh, the unanswerable question.

I used to PVP, I don’t anymore because it sucks.

Going in against glads in questing greens wasn’t my problem, though.

What the non-PVPers don’t understand is that PVP is a measure of reaction and cunning. You and I engage, I have a set of abilities, you have a set of abilities. Who manages the situation best wins.

But when simpletons want “gear progression” You can be the smartest person on the planet when it comes to PVP, and when you fight a mouth-breather with an 82% power difference, your smarts don’t matter. Because this dummy dropped $200 on boosts, and got gear unlocked.

Yeah? You just mopped up the Glads with ease, did ya?


Totally dude, Xaryu and Pika tried to 2v1 me and I killed them both with one auto attack.

Because that’s what I was saying.

You aren’t saying anything. Again.

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…every pro on the forums that are full BIS pvp gear think gear doesn’t matter…just read the pvp forums…

Yep, this was such a stupid decision. It was probably done on purpose so some of the devs could get rich selling boosts.


Does sound frustrating, that’s why I’d only PvP in a PvP MMO.

WAR was an awesome experience outside of dev/EA issues because it was build around PvP and any system added was carefully balanced for it.

Sure every MMO offers PvP but a lot of the times its more of a side experience, don’t think WoW does much different despite their Esport desires.

So what you’re telling us is that you like the current system, where the people with top gear are locked on the ladder for the entire expansion, free to sell real money carries and stomp lower geared players for free welfare loot with daddy blizz’s blessing.

Do you also believe that mythic raiders should be able to get mythic raid gear from normal dungeons?


You will spend your money on tokens and you will enjoy paying for a boost. Stop trying to fight it.

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And the gold boosters don’t think boosting is a problem.


If you were ok with that gear advantage, why aren’t you with the current one?

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…agreed…I have a resto druid I try to do arenas on and it’s really hard to be successful when going against 2 dps with minimum 10K more health then me…skill can’t beat toons with 50K health down at my bracket when I have 35K…

Yea I definetly was frustrated trying pvp and seeing people twice my health and not even being able to put a dent in the necrolord shields. Yea… pvp is a mess, it’s a huge gear snowball, new players are put to the meat grinder. Only a masochist would enjoy this system.

Please put a scaled pvp queue, tired of farming out gear to just enjoy pvp, or make it bearable (with the gear).


I think the only thing I’d even consider buying a boost for would be enough rating to buy the old Field marshall mog set. (Yes I’m that bad at PvP)

Wouldn’t ever do it, but I’d think about it.

You mean his equal gear made him able to beat the raider with skill, while now there is no comparison and the player with the best gear always wins?

Apples and oranges.

I recall wpvp interactions during Legion. A pandaren monk was tearing up a Horde flight point in Stormheim. I flagged up on my world quest geared guardian and killed him. Then I looked him up and found he was a mythic raider. o_0

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Or bring back crafted PvP gear.

I mean in fairness to OP’s point, you can buy ilvl 200 for almost every slot, so if you walk in at 177 thats kind of on you.

Still though its a solid 50% difference either way.

Just admit u bad

Let’s see. somebody who barely speaks English is lecturing me that PvP is better if his main can make a real life income tanking his rating and selling carries to whales.

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Having tried just bgs, there is no way a casual can compare to someone who constantly does arenas, mythic plus and raids for shards. Random bgs have no way to make it fair tbh, no max ilvl cap, no scaling, no same hp at least. Literally the last bg I did everyone had less then 100 honor, and I’m being matched with ppl with 500 honor levels or more, one was like 1,300 honor level… The matchmaking can not fix that.

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