82% Damage Difference from the bookends of PVP

death isnt permanent in a battlegrounds death is only permanent in arena matches.

or did people forget theres spirit rezzers handing out ressurections every 30 seconds and dying isnt painful just a little logistically penalizing


Matches can be made based on ilevel ranges. People will probably complain about longer queues though.

They can go back to templates where everyone is ilevel 226 (or something) and each 10 additional ilevels only adds a small portion of damage to your total.

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they aren’t, rated pvp is completely dead right now with less than 8% of players participating and a nonexistent bottom half of the ladders

it was fluffed up by boosted pve players in S1 which only obscured the participation issues that are glaringly apparent now

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The difference between 130 and 259 is a lot more than 82%, lol.

Do people want gear based PvP or skill based PvP. Personally, I think most people who PvP just want to roll people with their superior gear.


Can you post the sims?

Some of us did this when he said it and I was finding less than a 1% dps gain per item going from 200 to 226.

Gear is anti-PVP


If you’re talking about pvp, its absolutely wrong to only take main stat into consideration. Versatility and the 40% increased benefit is exponential on top of increased mainstat

1 ilvl is not 1% increase in pvp, in pve stam and vers bonuses and damage reduction don’t matter so there it makes sense


You mean player with more money.

If someone actually wanted to show their skills, they wouldn’t be afraid if noobs had the same ilvl as them.


Let me explain this to you.

Back many expansions ago, there was a rating lock system on PvP gear. Devs realized this was bad for PvP and removed it. They even explained why.

Fast forward to the present. Development decisions in PvP are controlled by a mythic raid logger with an honor level of 6. He thinks the graduated gear ilvl in PvE is perfect for PvP, despite the fact that devs previously decided it wasn’t, and has decided he can prove them wrong. Or at least sell tokens for boosts because of this change.

Wod honor gear took a day or two to grind doing PvP, and was almost as good as conquest gear. It was a great system.

The “war hardened general” is not a soldier. He manages armies and plans strategies. He’s an old guy with an unusual skillset, which doesn’t involve fighting on the front lines.

Only in wow are top competitors given extra advantages and noobs given disadvantages. The system you support is one that pits Olympic track competitors against high schoolers while giving the Olympians rocket boots and making the high schoolers run barefoot.


The entire interview where this came up was based on raids (PvE) in a comment about 226 gear supposedly providing a massive amount of power despite item level stat budget not really changing since Wrath.

Anyone trying to tie it to PvP is twisting it.

Right but this is a pvp thread about pvp gear power discrepancies, so just making sure no one is defending power gaps of this size being okay :stuck_out_tongue:

I def agree the 1% per ilvl in pve is likely accurate (idk anymore if thats still true with dom shard set bonuses)


So basically the OP tried to tie an unrelated PvE talking point into a PvP thread?

I don’t think rating should be on gear, but in any expansion except Legion if you walk in with quest greens like the OP you’re going to get stomped. Go do some arena in TBC classic in leveling greens.

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How is it unrelated? Either an ilvl is 1% or it isn’t. What does the content have to do with that?


never this badly though. I’ve done a lot of pvp while undergeared and this is definitely a new level of feels bad :frowning: at least back then there was a light at the end of the tunnel. You could get stomped for 2 weeks and finally get even gear through a conquest set and be able to play again
Now its get stomped and never be on equal footing :sob:



I think you should absolutely crush someone if you outgear them at that level, I don’t think there should be a single accommodation to the undergeared player, especially in unrated.

The main thing I don’t like is how vers is apparently the PVP stat now.

I cant believe that you read thirty posts and made this 31 because you dwell in the forums…

Why is it always the PVE players who suck at PVP making comments on how pvp should be? You fight the same NPC over and over and over that does the exact same thing over and over and over never changing. Skills i bet right.


You are aware how someone goes about acquiring PVP gear, aren’t you?



Damage scales a little faster than Ion said a 200 ilvl player sims 3k a 230 ilvl one sims 6k and a 259 ilvl player sims 9-11k

So just from 200-259 your looking at 250% dps increase.