82% Damage Difference from the bookends of PVP

U a red shirt Strom trooper tryna fight Maximus and then wonder why u die smh

Resil gear didn’t have to be equal to give you a significant advantage in PvP. Something implied in his post where the raider would have had better gear but he still won thanks to resil.

I don’t totally disagree that skill should be the thing in PvP, but I also think being good enough at pvp to get sweet gear should give you an advantage. I guess it’s a catch-22

all they need to do is downscale gear when doing a bg - one fix.

So someone comes in with ilvl 250 then he is downscaled to ilvl 170 like everyone else. I personally don’t like playing against premades either but I am guessing too many people would complain if they had to solo queue.

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Well shards aside because that’s just fubar, it does seem like the folks who start the pvp grind early are ok.

After that, yeah, whole system is broke

Yeah that will not fly at all. We just came out of the debacle of bfa. Don’t touch the top end gear. Raise the floor.

Resilience has been replaced…with nothing.

lol, it would make no difference if they raised the floor or downscaled the top end - the outcomes would be exactly the same - the gear would be equal in the bg.

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Or we could just go back to templates, and the baddies will get weeded out by skill instead of people being weeded out by gear.

The principle of “I’ve been playing therefore I deserve to crush you in what is supposed to be at least somewhat-level playing field” is stupid. And you should feel bad for it.

Yes it would. Because then you make people feel like their investment to get stronger gear meant nothing if they could visually see their numbers go down.

That generates immediate apathy.

If u a red shirt stormtrooper then don’t trying fight Maximus.

A win for those of us who don’t want to need a whole set of pvp gear to do a couple random BGs on the weekend. :stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously, avoiding templates without causing a huge barrier for entry is the Kobayashi Maru of wow pvp

it is a random battleground - not the content they earned the gear in

I know these people like going into those because they can win ‘easy’ mode - it actually wouldn’t make a difference.


Yea… honestly many casual games have some sort of scaled mode. Pokemon for example automatically scales your pokemon to lvl 50 or 100. Destiny was a shooter mmo lite and the casual mode had scaling, literally you could beat people with white weapons, but the epics just had some perks to help aim. Overwatch has no power advantages, you can just jump in and not need to grind a whole bunch of modes to be good numerically (it’s all skills and what you pc can handle).

The only problem with legion templates…
You forced everyone into templates! Some people like using there own gear which they could have had a separate mode.

You could not pick your secondary stats, which could be fixed with scaling, scaling everyone to a certain ilvl, is an attractive casual option. Because people do not like needing to grind out the campaign, get the right conduits, wait for the conduit energy to reload if you pve too, or have the same soulbinds on different specs to use, grind out a legendary and the gold for it. Literally with scaling people would buy more legendaries if they scaled at any level, even the cheap ones, that would be nice.

  • Adding a scaled pvp queue would be huge for casuals, and people that don’t want to sink in hours at rated modes just to play some casual bgs.

  • Scaling would encourage people to buy any equipment with the right secondary stats, which would help crafters. And make even the low ilvl legendaries an attractive option,

  • Not need to farm mythic plus for the right conduit

  • not need to farm raids for the domination sockets

  • not need to be meat in a grinder because of unfair ilvl power advantages

  • People who are sick of farming gear to pvp could just pvp for fun, and work towards achivements.

  • just remove conduit energy so we can actually play the game in the different game modes you want us to grind. My ww monk want pelagos for pve, pvp and tanking…

  • Let me use the same soulbinds for offspecs, they should each have there own saved talents like talents, pvp talents, etc.

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This is the easiest, and most beneficial fix. It confronts the issue involving people facing gear disparities, but also has the bonus effect of significantly cutting down on gate keeping. The amount of nonsense someone has to do right now just to be able to PvP and not be 1-shot, coupled with the amount of renown which must be achieved, and the emphasis on leggos working in PvP (a huge mistake from the get-go) is insane.

Templates tackles all of that and will make the game easier to address involving outliers doing too much damage, or the methods in which people are doing too much damage.

Except nobody’s trying to fight Maximus. None of us are Maximus.

Sorry that you want people to be able to continue to stroke their smol egos with PvP gear that provides an inherently unreasonable advantage, but your mindset is stupid and you should feel bad.


And people who earned the rating still need to do randoms to get honor at times. So why why have amorphous inconsistent number changes for the entirety of pvp?

Pvpers already found it hard enough figuring what was needed for pathfinder part 2 while they hop around on their flightless glad mounts. Too much would break them.

And a loss for those who want to just PvP.

Someone might say being good is already an advantage, and then the gear earned is an added advantage on top of that… I’m not saying it’s total bulls**t or anything, but it is an interesting take. It certainly does, added to way things are designed, make trying to play alts. a little more difficult.

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Unless they comp stomped it they won’t be getting 216 gear any time soon.

Take my half filled BE hunter comp stomped to 203 half slots. Other half korthia.

Right off the bat I am pushing only 216 in pvp on half my slots. Other half mixed 203/207

about 30 K HP from versatility. Versatility boosted by 2 pvp trinket bonus.

Conquest users are 220. Their HP shoots up up up up.

At this point off HP bar alone…a fresh 60 in pvp is useless beyond fodder. You hope the other side burns CD"s on them. So they don’t have CD’s for your 50K + players.

Comp stomp showed that. I was that fresh 60. ilevel 100 off quest gear. Dinged 60, straight into the comp stomp.

Even the dumb bot druid could roll you like a cigarette then smoke you. And it didn’t even lead off with the CC stun strike to convoke combo. It went for the flag.

U need to account for conduits and soulbinds.

A new character just needs to pve for a while and then pvp