82% Damage Difference from the bookends of PVP

You new to the forums? We take a grain of information and run with it completely out of context.

You think all these negative opinions just come easy ?? We work hard to hate the game we love


That’s just gear alone. If you add in upgraded conduits, filled out soulbinds, legendaries, gems, enchants, proper stats, etc. it’s way more than 82%.

  1. I did RBGs through about March
  2. What perspective do you need from hardcore players on 82%? it’s not open to interpretation.
  3. Shouldn’t they be tired? If Blizz HQ can’t even sort by ilvl it’s a pretty non-entity in terms of game play. What people want may or may not be valid. What is happening right now is irrefutible.

Why are we morons but you’re talking about something you don’t know. “almost certainly”? Why would it change from PVP to PVE? Do you have any information you can cite?


Precisely the reason I stopped doing BG’s and turned my flag off. I used to always have it on but I don’t feel like being cannon fodder for the hardcore pvpers in the game.


As a PvPer I agree that it’s a problem, but at the same time, this IS an mmo. People who put in the work and got 259 gear and didn’t quit the game obviously deserve it.

The gap shouldn’t be 82% massive, but it shouldn’t be close, either.

What they really need to do is buff conquest and honor rates. Game felt really good with 50% honor buff in comp stomp. They need a conquest week as well, where you get 50% more conquest from arena wins.

Maybe bring back templates for unrated?


The game is 18 years old and they still jump from PVP system to PVP system, throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks… then ignoring that and trying to reinvent the wheel because reasons.

I don’t think anyone but WoW PVP fanatics take it seriously at all, and even then when you look at the tournaments it’s usually many teams of practically the exact same composition using the same synergy and exploits.

As a tank player, I’m not even allowed to pvp in this game much of the time.


Then what’s the point of PVP? Becuase if its not close, you’re not winning - the gear is winning.


this isnt a pvp game. It’s essentially a mini-game. They do not balance for pvp and they clearly don’t like having pvp gear with separate stats that are worthless in pve (theyve tried it with pvp power, resil, etc…)

Ah, I can’t believe we made it 30 posts before someone came in here and mentioned this new, thoughtful, and never-heard-before mind blowing concept.

dont forget about conduits !1!

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The starter PVP gear at 177 (190) is a joke. No way I’m going into a random bg in that gear

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That 1% is entirely inaccurate though. I sim’d my druid at 226 and it is 7k dps. When doing the same sim but at 252 it is 12k dps. That is a 71% increase in dps over 26 ilvls or 26% according to Ion.

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…all the PVP pros say gear doesn’t matter…

They haven’t been in the position where they are undergeared compared to others. When they roll alts their teammates boost them so of course they think gear doesn’t matter.


Not Pikaboo or Venruki, which “pros” are you referring to?


Yet they did bring back wod scaling already so that kinda throws that out the window.

Except when this game actually had a population to talk about it had a much heavier focus on PvP. It was it’s own seperate entity.

PvP is about competition. Skill. Not who outgears who :roll_eyes: if you want to feel powerful defeating thanos, go pve.

Gear in PvP should be.
Greens 220
Unrated/m0-9/normal raid 230
Rated/heroic/mythic 10-15 240

PvP becomes instantly more enjoyable. Also don’t make it so it takes a billion games to cap your conquest :roll_eyes:


Serious pvper’s wanted this. One thing just make random non rated bgs scale. Endgame pvp gear should matter they could at least run it like pve though the whole normal heroic mythic you do higher stuff when geared you should be able to que at different brackets.

I miss resilience.

When I could stand toe-to-toe against a raider and kick his head in.


All they have to do for PvP gearing is make it like WoD. Where the honor gear was almost on par with conquest gear.