8.1.5. Spoilers

Who? Oh right, Lor’themar. That’s the Elf dude right?

My attempt to mimic a non BE horde player.
His new model is pretty dope tho, I’d follow him.

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While it would certainly be a way to make him a lot more active, I wouldn’t want to wish the evil that is Warchief upon Lor’themar, at least based on how it’s gone for Warchiefs in the past.

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Its kinda obvious at this point…unfortunately.

Please, take your “qqqq those dirty elves that pollute MUH tribal Horde!!!” driven attitude somewhere else… cause I DO know the lore and I´m aware the Warchief can indeed become volatile position as long as dumb warmongering people keep getting chosen for the job (frankly the two only individuals that don´t fit the shoe for the previous description A.K.A. Thrall and Vol´jin were removed from the job in the most absurd way ever; also it was guaranteed by the writers that them had to go under a sudden idiocy attack and pick the worst option available as a replacement).

If you believe stupid evil is inevitable for the Horde, I´m sorry but I will agree to disagree.

Don´t you dare jinx the Regent Lord, he´s basically the last decently written racial leader we have left by now…


Careful, Lor’themar could be warchief for one day at the rate things are going.


I love Talanji being catty at Sylvanas and refusing to bow to her will like a good little drone. I bet that must tick off the Banshee Queen something fierce.


Two. The bloodhorde of the underorgrimmar was merely a setback!

Nah, not even one. The QQ from the “muh tribal Horde” would prevent such event.

If you people think Horde playerbase has protested heavily the inclusion of Sylvanas as Warchief, just wait for the even bigger shtstorm the inclusion of Lor´themar would cause… it would make Teldrassil look like a pathethic camp fire in comparison.

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did you just agree with yourself?

Nope, but then again I wasn´t the ignorant one pretending to use the race of other people´s posting avatar as the winning argument. That´s literally “how NOT to argue” 101 (don´t attack the poster, attack the argument, duh).

Fact is the most evil actions done by the Horde have been made by both Eastern AND western Horde races. And that indeed, Warchief is a meaningless position if the individual in charge happens to be a warmongering freak, period.

The only two non-warmongering freaks were quickly and efficiently removed from the job by the writers in the most absurd ways ever.

You’re writing is atrocious, it is formatted like a text message, with vocabulary plucked from a high schooler’s dictionary. Ironic that you then go on to critique the writers.

But beyond that, peaceful chieftains don’t last. “Blood and honor… That is all that orcs understand (Koramar).” As for Blood Elves, im not surpised you want peace. You have been history’s whipping post for the last 10000years

apparently horde players will be forced to take quests from brann(alliance character)already when magni sends them to uldir.

that was fast don’t ya think?

Brann was literally working for the 7th Legion as of 8.0. He’s even on board the Wind’s Redemption. This is pretty weird, for both factions.

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Stop trying to RP here. They aren’t actually a blood elf, they are a horde player, the same as you.


i could be wrong, but i doubt that a mission from magni where he sends you to find his brother wouldn’t be important for horde players.

this kind of comment should ashame you, this may be the us forum but not everyone here has english as it first language, if you wish to discuss the lore of this game in this kind of ‘‘manners’’ you should go to the GD where no one cares about the lore but just to attack the other faction.

and this is not the tavern for you to RP and use that to Insult someone, you’re a human being like everyone else here, and you are not clever as you think so please stop the passive aggressive attacks on non orc players.


If there is anyone on the alliance horde players should be ok with chatting up, imo, it’s brann. I could totally see having lunch with that guy before a fight to the death.

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Sad state of affairs indeed when someone with “poor grasp of the language” nonetheless ends up being right. Stop defending their mediocre work, that will only contribute to the sad state of affairs of the current lore.

Also, still criticizing ME, not the argument; ergo still giving up before even participating on the discussion at hand. You aware that’s even more classic High Schooler M.O. than “language” will ever be?


Stop trying to RP here. You aren’t actually members of the Horde. Factions lines get in the way of discussing the story.

Talanji: So let it be official. De Zandalari and de Horde will stand together… as equals.
Sylvanas: Equals?
Talanji: I am de queen of Zandalar. And a queen kneels to no one. Surely, you understand.
Sylvanas: I see… Very well, Queen Talanji. The Horde welcomes you.

Interesting. I was actually hoping they’d go in this direction.

For one thing, it helps differ the zandalari and darkspear better. The Darkspear are intertwined with the Horde and it’s races, while the Zandalari will still stay somewhat seperate. Like the blood elves and forsaken.

Hope that keeps up.