8.1.5. Spoilers

That sounds like Horde sympathizer talk. Death to the traitor!

Are they though? It’s been an issue according to Blizzard that there’s a cultural division between west and east Horde races. Isn’t this expansion meant to unify them?

Zelling isn’t like any other Forsaken though - he’s also a Kul Tiran and probably identifies more closely with Derek than with any of the other Forsaken he’s encountered so far.

Derek is considered a hero to the Kul Tirans - probably someone who Zelling looked up to in life. Derek comes back and starts talking about wanting to be with his family - the same thing Zelling wanted when he was raised.

If anyone was going to have a reaction to Derek being raised, it would make sense that Zelling would be that person.


How long before the Horde story becomes something I don’t have to cringe at again?



That depends, how much longer do you think WoW will be around?


More than three years


If you’re trying to annoy me, joke’s on you. I’m just numb now.


It is kinda sad and pathetic when you have to resurrect a thread years after just to get a “gotcha” moment.

What’s pathetic is you showing how stupid you are.

I’m not the one who either bookmarked a post and sat on it for 3 years or went through 3 years of threads to find this one just to respond to someone who clearly rubbed you the wrong way. Seems to me that I’m not the stupid one here.

It randomly showed in my suggested topics and I bumped it for the lulz. You’re dumb for thinking that someone I don’t have a problem with rubbed me the wrong way.

It smells of corpses here. There was no need to dig up a thread from 3 years ago.

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So you necroed a thread to troll?

Thanks. Enjoy the report.

Thanks, enjoy your own.

But Evelysaa was “forced” to do it for the lulz for some reason.

Never said I was “forced” to.

I guess you missed the " " I did…

But this isn’t the first 3 year old thread you necroed recently either.

What was the reason to necro this thread with a post that had nothing to do with it?

Edited my post to include quotation marks.

While your at it, answer the question I just asked you.