8.1.5. Spoilers

but do you think at this point we’re going to get the explanation the previous Dev Q&A statements indicated would be necessary to explain this (literally Ion saying the Trolls can’t be Paladins because they’ve lost their connect to the Light), or will this be another after the fact ‘oh we forgot, here’s a single line of flavor text’?

Because our track record at this point doesn’t provide me with high expectations.


  1. Zandalari Empire - Earn Exalted status with the Zandalari Empire.

  2. Zandalar Forever! - Complete the main storylines in Zuldazar, Nazmir, and Vol’dun, finish the Blood Gate and Zandalar Forever scenarios.

  3. Tides of Vengeance - Complete the Tides of Vengeance War Campaign.

Kul Tiran:

  1. Proudmoore Admiralty - Earn Exalted status with the Proudmoore Admiralty.

  2. A Nation United - Complete the main storylines in Drustvar, Stormsong Valley and Tiragarde Sound, finish the Pride of Kul Tiras and A Nation United storylines.

  3. Tides of Vengeance - Complete the Tides of Vengeance War Campaign.


But when will the “Tides of Vengeance War Campaign” time gating let us do the final part? September 2021?

I’ve been assuming the end of February when the last wing of LFR opens.

It’s probably January 22 since the quest itself is the direct prelude to the raid.


Right? I’m still burnt by this whole affair to the point I’m waiting for the ‘complete the Battle for Dralzalor raid’ to be the last step of the campaign.
I know we’re only at the conjecture stage and everyone thinks that unlikely…but man, I am finding I no longer trust this company at all.

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People on Wowhead are saying you have to beat the raid to start the final step in the war campaign (to unlock the playable races). And even if you beat the raid, that doesn’t mean that step won’t be time gated until Feb’s final raid release date too…


Ah, but until LFR releases, think of all the tokens they’ll sell for Carries to unlock the allied races…I can hear /trade macros already- unlock your allied race, group forming now, PST for price.

Yep, this will seal my lapsed sub for good if they do require it. I’m already struggling with them every turn of this expansion so far.

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As far as I know, we haven’t seen anyone take it in-game since WotLK. I think the entire concept of the Blood Oath has been relegated to books and comics and such.

In any case, hopefully this line indicates the end of the idiotic Warchief position.

When the raid’s out. I just did the last pre-raid quest on PTR and it gave me the achievement.

No actual raiding necessary thank goodness.

But, I doubt 8.1.5 will be out in 2 weeks. So even if the requirements are doable in 2 weeks they still won’t be available.


It may have been an at the moment thing, and I know thats being generous to them, that they lost their connection to the light through Rezan. That said, it isn’t to say Kimbul couldn’t always of been an option and rather other Loa not in Zul’dazar, but especially Vol’dun, were largely forgotten and abandoned. Krag’wa specifically states the Blood Trolls killed his last follower. What is to say others are not in a similar boat, especially one so far off in the desert?

While I fully expect a one line flavor text, or even a paragraph for context, after forgetting they had said that prior, I am hoping for more. Perhaps even a few ‘pages’ of text explaining, maybe even some voice over.

Simultaneously, we know they ‘balance’ races based off what classes make it ‘fair’ rather than what makes sense story wise. Notice they missed KT mages initially, every allied race can have monks, lack of Zandalari locks, ect.

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I know it’s not entirely canon (it is a real game in the Warcraft universe though) but the Paladin Loa in Hearthstone is Shirvallah. That could work. Bring him back.


Btw, I really hope Blizz changes it so on the Kul Tiran Recruit scenario we can customize the name of the ship we build. We can already name our hunter pets and companion pets so there is no worry about avoiding euphemisms. That ship has sailed.


Maybe they will take the more choosed answer to make it canon and that is way they only gave us some propositions.

We may cry as much as we want, the horde is over, our leaders are either dead or betraying the horde.

Baine was,is and will forever be a JOKE, no one take him seriously since cata, and i don’t know why ppl still think blizzard will do something cool with him.

gallywix and Lor’themar had no real advances for their lore in the past expansions.

the Orcs are leaderless because our’s traitor pig ( Saurfang) decided that he knew better and Sylvie does not.

Sylvanas is going Bananas and looking more dumb as each new info is released.

the allied races are all confused and playing along this madness of expansion.

it seems that all of my love for this game has gone, blizzard had outplayed themselves with Bfa, such a horrid expansion from start to end, from lore to gameplay, I tried to get in, to understand each side and why the war is raging, but it is so dumb, so pathetic that i cannot feel anything other than pity and sorrow for every horde player that is not an idiot orc asking for ‘‘true horde’’.

I hope next expansion we’ll get something better, if the lore this game survives bfa…


Horde has a new warchief every game since warcraft 1. The volatile leadership is a staple of the horde story, but being a blood elf, you wouldn’t really know all that much of horde history.

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Careful, Lor’themar could be warchief one day at the rate things are going.


i mean eventually, only so many other people who can become professor for the defense against the dark arts

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It’s even worse than that, actually. I have it on good authority that Ariel is secretly a human!


I remember a fanmade model of Lor’themar in Doomhammer Warchief plate floating around sometime in MoP when he started to turn against Garrosh, and I think Rommath or Halduron said he could make a fine warchief.

He pulled it off decently well, actually.

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