8.1.5. Spoilers

I just find it funny that Sylvanas tried to mind-control Derek for an entire major patch and still failed with Baine talking some honor into him.

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Every single thing the Horde does in BFA is an immediate failure, almost as if Blizz is out to get them. Like how the entire 8.0 Horde war campaign is to get the Fishy Wand. And before it’s ever used, the Alliance instantly steals it and replaces it with a fake.


Nice to see them finally getting around to giving Hati back. I didn’t particularly care about him since I stopped maining my Hunter in Legion, but I know a lot of hunters were sad to see him go.

Been a while since I’ve teamed up with someone from the Horde. But if we want tae save Azeroth, we have tae work together.

Even in a faction war expansion I can’t get away from Brann “What does this button do?” Bronzebeard.


The Melody of a rock going ‘thwack’ against her skull perhaps.

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One thing to note on Xal’atath’s dialogue: those relics you are discovering: those seem to be the same relics which are raid mechanics in the Crucible of Storms raid.

Maybe they think all Horde players are stupid masochists.

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Since Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne, I have ALWAYS expect we would end up dealing with Sylvanas someday. I also expect her to outlive the Lich king. I honestly didnt expect we would get another faction war so soon and in a more brutal fashion than MoP and yet here we are.

One way or another I expect Sylvanas story to end this expansion.

If so I appreciate it since it means I don’t have to experience more Old God BS than absolutely necessary.

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So we’re told, along with all of the other things that have been proven to be BS misdirection (who burned the Tree, Morally Grey, reworks on unfinished specs) that Zandalari can’t be Paladins anymore because of the loss of Rezan.

Now we’re getting them as Paladins but there’s no ‘fix’ in sight for the lore reason? It’s not in the allied race unlock scenario, despite the Prelate calling out the loss of Rezan…

GG Blizz, never change (again).


I enjoy the major Old Gods when they are plotting and chatty like Yogg and C’thun. On the other hand, stupid pointless tentacle trash monsters annoy me since they are a pointless waste of time. Like the Crucible of Storms raid. 2 trash bosses with no lore and no point. Oh joy!


What counts as a trash boss though? At the least the first boss I believe will be part of the Xal questline, 2nd boss we basically fight N’zoth (I think he stares at us through the wall) and both fights we use relics we recover with Xal through questing.

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It is still very early on and there may be some simple flavor text somewhere as to why. I don’t think Rezan was fully killed like what Yazma did to Shadra, or what the Drakkari did to their Loa, but he could have been. Poor Toga even came back.

Simultaneously, they are using Kimbul as the paladin loa for Hearthstone, so they could use him instead of Rezan.

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Its so easy to tell this is a new thing for Horde players lol.

Seriously though, my condolences.


Talanji: So let it be official. De Zandalari and de Horde will stand together… as equals.
Sylvanas: Equals?
I am de queen of Zandalar. And a queen kneels to no one. Surely, you understand.

Should we assume the Zandalari don’t have to take the blood oath then?

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Probably, it is a true allied race unlike all the ones we have so far.


oh god please NO
let him kill katherine or tandreed but no lightforge jaina, she is the damn kultiran leader, she shouldn’t be dead.

Also this dialogue with valera got me really confused.
i mean, it makes sense that she doesn’t trust her.
but jaina feel bad for sylvanas because arthas killed her?

so, sylvanas was actually planning that baine acts in the shadow?,the mind control is currently in progress?
i am glad that baine is also another one in the horde that shows that they can be redeemed, that will help when the inevitable status quo returns.

i am disappointed by the kultiran scenario i was hoping that it was going to be drust related or a coup.
jaina spends all those resources to give a gift to anduin? i must say, i was hoping that she broke her bond with anduin…

Christ, anduin isn’t going to stop being high king right?


It’s more of a function of them making the Horde the main villains of an expansion…again. Villains win big in the expansion intro, and then lose the entire rest of the expansion until defeated.


The KT scenario doesn’t have any new lore details which is quite disapointing I wanted to see some tidesages/ drust or political stuff. The Zandalari one is not really better but at least there is a coronation and some informations and the loa and the city.

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I guess it’s because technically Kul Tiras already rejoined the Alliance t the end of 8.0, while the Zandalari are only just now joining the Horde.