8.1.5. Spoilers

oh neat, we get to name a ship


What are you going to chose ? I like Tiffin’s Melody personally.

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i dont know, maybe lionheart or dawnsailor


Just wanted to touch on this. Because, honestly, the Forsaken shouldn’t give a crap about Derek. At least, going off of past behavior, they shouldn’t.

Though free will is a cornerstone of their society, the Forsaken are very hypocritical about it. They care about free will, but only as it pertains to them. Forsaken typically don’t care for the free will of others, Undead or otherwise.

Despite Zelling’s words, Derek isn’t Forsaken. Being Undead doesn’t make you Forsaken. His free will would be irrelevant to them.


Anduin’s Wrath - suggested by Rosaline
Dawnsailor - suggested by Brother Pike
Tiffin’s Melody - suggested by Katherine
The Lionheart - suggested by Tandred

I dislike all these names, but The Lionheart seems the least egregious.


So it seems to confirm Katherine will not die. She gives you your heritage armor.

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Also, Anduin’s Wrath? When has Anduin ever gotten angry?


sylvanas is now repeating what the void has said about torches leading the path


I assume they would be using the second definition.

2. retributory punishment for an offense or a crime : divine chastisement

if you keep clicking on him he says something like “THE LIGHT WILL SMITE YOU”

what would give you that idea

i was being sarcastic…

oh lol

honestly im more interested in her calling xal a torch to light her path.

But If I recall they were 5 toches in the orginal quote so which things could be the other ones ?

So remember that $2.67lb ground beef I’ve been talking about?

I omitted that I got a meat grinder for Christmas.

Bloodhoof burgers, get your Bloodhoof burgers here! Available as single double and triple! Freshly baked Mulgore buns with 100% natural beef! One time offer of a $1 each!


I’ve had a terrible thought, folks.

Derek has been returned to Jaina. And at this point, we can’t be sure his “Kill his family” programming wasn’t finished.

From their dialogue, Jaina may take Derek to go see Calia.

Jaina assured Derek she would go with him.

What if… when they meet, his programming kicks in and Derek kills Jaina. But then, Calia and Co. raise her as another Lightforged Undead?


Don’t give them ideas !