80% Dragonriding in old world

Oh I know, but i wouldn’t be complaining over it.

Blizzard is going to change our normal mounts to fly like dragon mounts in TWW, dragon mounts do not hover currently

Without hover it’s impossible to do fun stuff or survey a good landing spot

Legacy mounts are getting changed to dragon flying in TWW

gonna be a toggle so we can still use old flight thankfully.

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It’s a toggle, so use traditional flying


Old world zones are like a 1/4 the size of a DF zone, you’ll get to where you need to quite quickly still.

Old zones are wayy smaller than in Dragonflight. The 80% is perfectly fine lol.

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You THINK you want faster dragon flight. But you really don’t.

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Nothing will convince WoW players that Blizzard does not persecute them for fun at every turn lol.

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Yeah, just did The Originals and spent more time flying than it usually takes me to get from Portland to Sacramento.
I’ll take a Corvette over a Prius any day, especially when flying across continents.

If they’re so concerned about us trivializing travel then why are there portals to everywhere in Stormwind and Orgrimmar?

You will be going about 640% faster compared to TBC style flight of 310. You are still going over 2x as fast.

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It’s not really 310, it’s been 420 for a long time, so it’s really only like 30% faster.

80% of dragonriding speed is still 664% mount speed. That’s more than double the flight speed we currently have in old zones. You’ll still be zooming, calm down.

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It’s because going any faster than that in content not set up for movement that fast could cause client crashes, disconnects, and bugs. There are times where getting on a flight path causes a DC for some reason.

They said it was a technical issue with the way stuff renders in old zones.


I agreed with this on principle until I tried it. Dragon riding in Old World is at times too fast even at 80% especially in smaller areas and cities. Load up PTR and see for yourself. The 20% is not noticeable, what is noticeable is just how small old world content truly is.

BLIZZ: We are going to let you fly way faster in the old world zones!

PLAYERS: … not enough…


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IDK. I donʻt need hover to have fun.

Mount up, take off, hit surge forward at 1600% speed
Crash to desktop

I fully believe this. The old zones were designed in a very different way.