100% Ground Speed → 310% Flying Speed | 3x Speed
310% Flying Speed → 930% Flying Speed | 3x Speed
Yeah, both are comparable in a very good way.
100% Ground Speed → 310% Flying Speed | 3x Speed
310% Flying Speed → 930% Flying Speed | 3x Speed
Yeah, both are comparable in a very good way.
Yeah this isn’t “how could you Blizzard I’m unsubbing!” Territory but “awww c’mon” disappointing.
The stated reason is worse than the nerf, if it is indeed a technical limitation like everyone suspects then I and probably most others wouldn’t have had an issue if Blizz told us that.
Blizzard did not state that though so we have to go off what they say, which is that this nerf was for “immersion”.
Which is bad.
Pretty sure it’s fast enough to not notice the difference in the comparatively smaller old world zones. I’d bet a nickel the root cause is dragonflying is so fast it breaks the game engine in unforeseen ways.
Everyone bawling their eyes out now would just be complaining Blizzard should fix the technical limitation no matter what it entailed.
“Who benefits from this?”
All the players who will be moving through the old world at 644% speed instead of 310% speed.
I tested it on the PTR. At first, I was extremely aware that something was off with my speed. It was like my dragon couldn’t get out of 3rd gear. But it wasn’t long before I adjusted to it.
Also timed myself from Ramkahen, Uldum to Everlook, Winterspring. Little over 4 minutes.
I don’t care what speed they do, but we need an unlimited hover feature on all mounts!
If you want traditional flying just say that
I totally agree. They are STILL doing punitive things to players! Just when they say that they have learned by listening to players, they go right back to taking stuff away because they “know” what is good for us.
No you don’t. It’s on the legacy mounts, use them.
Blizz is a bunch of sadists… dragon riding in the new zone is like hitting NOS in a car race and then running into a twig and coming to a dead stop.
Pretty sure Ion mentioned it was due to the size of the older zones. Idk, it’s still a lot faster than normal. Doubt it’s even noticeable.
It is. There was a whole video about this and how the old world zones are significantly smaller than the DF zones
It’s only noticeable because the old zones were not built with Dragonflying in mind and don’t have alot of interesting terrain/objects like the Dragon Isles to fly near/around/thru to get a sense of the speed.
You’ll survive
The same thing everyone else is nerd, while you sit here and defend dumb design choices and make excuses for blizzards incompetence
Simply same dragonriding in all zones.
But you know what.
They want everyone to do Dragon Islands as their default leveling experience. Hence, 100% dragon riding speed here.
If they want to do other zones, then suffer with 80% of its maximum speed.
its still faster than old mans flying…why is this a big deal? lol are we upset that we cant reach redrige from elwynn in 2 seconds and now its 4 seconds? lol
Everyone uses the bandaid portal system anyway. Everyone is afk in the current city anyway. All this does is nerf fun. The old world size and layout wasn’t designed with flying in mind and it worked fine in Cataclysm. It feels really bad seeing that nerf. The old world is bigger than the dragon isle so that doesn’t even make sense that there isn’t enough space.
If anything, it should be 200% of DF speed in old world, not 80.
We dont need nerf, we need boost.