Sacrificing QoL purely for Immersion?
This is new and a reverse of what iʻve seen happen in the retail version of this game.
Sacrificing QoL purely for Immersion?
This is new and a reverse of what iʻve seen happen in the retail version of this game.
who you talking about?
Blizzard: “We’re giving you a puppy!”
Me: “Thank You!”
Blizzard: “80% of a puppy!”
Me: “Wait, what?”
Pugs health problems are no joke nods
Easy answer.
Look how big the old world is compared to the Dragon Isles. In the PTR, in the same amount of time I got across Azure Span, I got across three zones in Kalimdor.
The 80% is to slow down dragon flying in the old world for new players.
Oh man Im
I’ve been reporting for weeks now of a bug where the game disconnects going into one zone from another and your character is stuck until you use the support tool. This is new. Is it the result of them trying to adapt the existing zones for the Giddy-up GoGo mini-game? I can’t say, but the timing is sure interesting. Enjoy.