80% Dragonriding in old world

“The Dragon Isles is pretty massive compared to our older continents, so we need to adjust accordingly.” - Blizzard

Um, maybe I’m crazy here, but I’m pretty sure Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms continents are both significantly larger than the Dragon Isles. Unless they really mean the zones within the continents?

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Are people really surprised that Dragon riding is getting nerfed? I thought it would get nerfed to around max normal flying speed. No way Blizzard wants to deal with having to design over-sized zones for the rest of the game.

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I mean, we had zero problem with 830% movespeed during the Kalimdor/EK races…

Stop clipping our wings and let us go F A S T!


I think it’s tech limit. When 310 was introduced a lot of people suffered from crashes and dcs. I suspect the 664 is the most stable they can get without a massive overhaul.
Look at the races DF was confined to relatively limited areas without zone transitions. I highly doubt it’s as easy as flipping a switch.


Well. Already breaking promises. Glad I haven’t wasted money on the next expansion. Wonder what else they’ll nerf or straight up go back on? I doubt this will be the only thing.

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players who defend this lol :rofl: they probably enjoyed the season 2 balaning too, timegating everything and other stupid decisions. they dont say its a limitation its a design choice. otherwise bluepost would talk about it.
you are completely lost :rofl: this mindset gives the company a free pass for everything. 3 day early access is one of it. upgrade to max speed in the shop, gear from the shop whatever. you would have an argument to justify this.

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I’m such a bad person for getting a laugh out of this.

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Tried it out on the PTR, it feels bad. Just leave it alone, we all know the old zones are smaller, and that’s okay.

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I was told that DR wasn’t borrowed power it sure looks like it because what other limitation will they add to DR to the point it becomes irrelevant?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Should’ve been buffed to 1030%, not nerfed.


Yeah, they meant the zones within the continent, But the reality is that most people that care about immersion also hate dragon riding, and most people that love dragon riding, while not necessarily not caring about immersion, do love the practicality that comes with it.
There is no immersion breaking issue here, no, there is actually, this will probably make me still use most portals and teleports to go from A to B (a process which most would say has no immersions cuz ‘teleport hur dur’). And here I had hope I would say more often “Oh, let’s fly from Orgrimmar to Uldum!” instead of saying “let’s just teleport to Tanaris and go from there”.


Kalimdor and EK are HARDLY small.
I just flew thru Mists, friend,…again…HARDLY small. lol.
A 20% decrease in speed isnt that huge a deal given the size of those landmasses.
This is really just Ion being Ion.


please STOP talking for ‘most people’ lmao.
no…i dont give two hozen squats about what you all call muh immerzion, lol.
and a 20% reduction in DRing speed has NOTHING to do with immersion.


I swear to Odin that sometimes I think its literally Ion and crew on alts posting this crap in here, lol.
80% speed, 140%…I dont give a rats rump. I’ll use a flippin flight master if I want to afk fly…whatever. lol…but stop blowing smoke up my rump supporting TRASH telling me its flipping apples and cream oatmeal LMAO.


Did you even read?
Yeah, I also don’t care about immersion if that wasn’t clear enough already.
Yeah, it has nothing to do, but blizzard think there is, is what they said in the blue post.
I would say stop trolling, but I think you’re just purposefully illiterate, to keep things nice :slight_smile:

I read what you responded to…and what you said yeah.

…did you read what I said? lmao

Your problem stays the same, you don’t know what you’re talking about. It seems we agree that the change is bad yet you’re trying to pick a fight with me ??? Good idea.
You don’t even know what blizzard said themselves, that’s very clear.

blah blah blah…
80% DRing speed has NOTHING to do with muh immerzion…period.

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Your choice in game checks out.

thread muted…good god lmao

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