8 year break

You think you don’t want to dps as a healer, but you do.

It’s so backwards too. As a dps ret paladin pre-Legion I LOVED how paladin worked. You spec as a dps, but if your healer got killed, you could keep the tank up with heals/lay on hands until you oom’d which gave a chance to brez the healer, or when I was raiding mythic Kilrogg Deadeye, our tank died at 6%, I threw on a shield, righteous fury, taunted the boss and called for heals. We BARELY managed to get our first kill like that and the cheers from my guild vent probably woke the neighbours!~

Now? My ret paladin can’t pull either off. Blizzard says that’s not how they want my paladin to play, but yet they want healers dpsing.


Thats not a break that was quitting and getting talked into coming back. Ouch bad time to return too. Wow couldnt be more stagnant and tone deft with players wants.

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Used to be that running out of mana was an issue. For most, if not all classes now, mana doesn’t seem to be a problem so healers will also dps.

Weird we have had that mentality since Wrath. Maybe you weren’t around then?

Heck in TBC you had a timed dungeon (shattered halls heroic) so you could get attuned, and had to save an npc within 45m I believe.

It takes like 1 second to process which one to kill

Unless you’re doing stupid high keys, no.

Why pull mobs you don’t need too?

You can always go play classic.

Mythic+ bad! Napster Good

I’m sorry you came back to this after eight years

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I like them, i dislike spires/top and mist on spiteful week, nothing should stop me continuing once I killed the actual trash

I have been called to do this at 15s as a healer many times over the past 3 expacs.

Last time this guy played Classic wasn’t even an option.

Your breath smells an awful lot like shoe polish maybe spend a little less time licking Blizzard’s boots? :tongue: :boot:


i also do not like Mists XD maze and the 1 boss… otherwise Theater of Pain is one of my favorite dungeons of all time! and the rest of the dungeons are pretty good!

far as the healer thing, no comment since i haven’t healed since Legion.

Is it still the thing that Disc Priests healing is improved or requires doing damage? Or have I forgotten something? Been a while since I played one.

ok I will

the rest of us are very, very glad the game didn’t stagnate in exactly the spot it was when you left.

it shouldn’t be shocking news that things change over time.

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1.If you’re needing to dps as a healer in a +15, then the dps you brought to your group are extremely terrible.

I guess, if the person returning can’t handle simple mechanics someone in kindergarten learns, I guess that’s on them.

the funny part about this is that even in vanilla/tbc we skipped as many mobs as we could.

the “back in my day we pulled everything in a dungeon” crowd is either lying or has memory loss.

but, to the OP

this. this is 100% correct. The game is in a terrible state, the tier is basically over, people have quit left/right or taking FF breaks… this is the single worst time you could have chosen to come back.

If I were you, I’d go do something else until 9.2 hits.


Yup, people act like the game was different back then, but people did the same stuff they do now.

The back in my day (which I played in) hasn’t changed much.

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Didn’t pay attention to the lore/story line did you? Explains why that mini game is there.

Had mini games in Legion too though.

Not “supposed” to. Just recommended too. Most everyone had some form of healing. When you’re not healing, what else are you doing? Twiddling your thumbs…seems boring, but you do you.

Short and sweet. And in the m+ scene, you only need a specific amount of mobs to be cleared, so a lot of tanks run the same route they would in those. Dungeons are also not quite as linear, so you’re not running down straight hallways into rooms, and then down a straight hallway to another room.

You liked when things were easier and a lot more mindless. Again, no judgement. But the game has evolved and moved past simple tank and spank mechanics.

They made the game easier and more complex at the same time

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See, there is your problem.

A good group works like a well-oiled machine, and honestly takes very little damage, allowing the healer to actually deal some dps. But pugs don’t focus the right target, stand in aoe, don’t interrupt spells, or CC. That’s going to cause them to take a lot more residual damage, thus forcing your to have to heal more.

Find a good group and you will immediately notice the difference.

flashbacks to casting an Overloaded Light’s Wrath and just destroying the DPS on the meter in a fight

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I feel you on the big changes, but I for one love dealing damage as a healer.

When were you ever not supposed to be doing damage as a healer? Why would you not want to do damage as a healer? What mechanic is annoying in SL dungeons? The current iteration of dungeon mechanics is one of the best they have ever released. They cut out so much bloat, it is really nice to not have to explain asinine complicated nonsense to people day in and day out, it’s like 99% “dodge something” now which is damn sweet because it is self explanatory.