After an 8 year break, I hate the new dungeons. All the little minigames in them. Which circle is different? WTF. Not to mention healing is supposed to dps now? If I wanted to dps, I’d choose that role. And tanks skipping mobs the others to pick up aggro. I used to love healing 5 mans. Not anymore though. It saddens me. Well, rant over. Trolls and anonymous internet users, do your thing…
Healers do DPS now, yes.
It’s not as big of a deal in raids but you should be DPSing in dungeons during moments where you don’t need to heal, instead of just standing there doing nothing.
All dungeon bosses had mechanics.
Why do the mists one bother you?
In TBC there’s a raid mechanic from one of the bosses in black temple that stops healing 100%
Healers had to do DPS, why didn’t you bring that up when healers doing DPS has always been a thing
Duuuuude, you were out why did you come back?!
They went through a major overhaul in Legion. Now Dungeons are designed with Mythic + in mind. The fact that it’s timed content has condition the entire player base with “Go Go Go” mentality to skip as much as possible and finish as soon as they can.
I’m not sure why people keep saying this…but it’s not true at all.
Speed running dungeons is common in all MMOs now, even those that have never had a dungeon timer.
It has nothing to do with the introduction of M+
“All” the minigames… you named the only one there is.
No one expects healers to dps unless you’re doing significantly higher endgame stuff where a dps check has to be met. Barely see healers dpsing in anything under +15s (not sure about raid).
Game has definitely changed in 8 years though. Your particular examples are hardly the worst of it though. I would have thought the whole no more TF/WF, butchering of profession relevance, linearity of dungeon design, loss of 10 man heroic (now mythic) raid, among many others would top the list tbh.
Just going to say welcome back.
I like the new dungeons personally- just need more of them.
i guess it depends on your team. If they are really good at mitigation damage and have self heals. The healer occasionally can just start adding to the DPS. It gives the cutting edge crowd an opportunity to squeeze in better and faster completion.
and then you have tanks that leeroy...
I agree. But I do like the mini games, not all of 'em tho.
The rest I agree.
I feel for you. After 8 years, it is NOT the same game anymore. If you want to play at a relaxed pace, send me a message… I would LOVE to find some like-minded individuals that don’t play the game like they’re getting paid to run as many instances as possible.
Oh, wait until you find out healers are now required to DPS.
Game isn’t the game you played 8 years ago. Unsubscribe, uninstall, and move on with your life again. Trust me - you don’t want to get addicted to even the smallest “Good part of the game” (Of which there are VERY few nowadays). The rest is moldy trash.
You couldn’t have said this any kinder.
They wrote that in OP.
After eight years, it’s a different crowd playing this game. What they like and what you or I might like tend to be two different things. That’s why I stay with classic.
My holy pally could do it better in WoTLK so could my priest. And my Disc could do it better in Legion than now.
It’s been in WoW since at least Burning Crusade. Probably was in Vanilla, but I never ran many dungeons then.
I don’t know why people keep thinking it’s something new.
Because it fits their narrative of “M+ bad” even though they ignore all of the available examples that disprove their claims