8.2 Mount Equipment and Water Strider

Because it’s clearly a badly designed hack. I don’t want water walking >ALL< the time… I’ll forget to look down and end up killing myself on hard water. I know I will. I know others will. Some may never learn that they CAN look down to avoid falling damage on water.

Better to add more water-striding enabled special mounts and exempt them all.

Or heck, better yet: Get rid of mount equipment entirely. Replace it with “Mount Enchantment” consumables that works like Reputation Contracts. You get an exclusive mount buff for one week of real time giving you:

  • Speed,
  • no-daze,
  • slow-fall,
  • water walking,
  • instant-mount,
  • interact with items while mounted
  • Improved Jump height/distance
  • Climbing mounts that handle steep terrain better

And add mounts that have those as their ‘special ability’ that ignores your current week long mount buff.

That’s fine too.


I agree,but it’s about who would get it first mentality,because if only set group had the advantage before the other then the race wouldn’t be fair.So the nerf to even the playing field even if it was wrong in the first place.

I don’t see Blizzard holding a gun telling you which mounts to use. If you’re using the Water Strider to walk on water, it is by choice. And even now, in 8.1.5, there is still the choice to use the Water Strider or not to walk on Water.

But like I said, it isn’t forcing anyone to use it, people use it by choice.

Once again, trolling hard. Nobody here is crying.

If you do not like the water strider, and don’t like it, it is your choice. But stop pushing it on to us who wish for our striders to be untouched.


If you want a mount with water walking, there’s only one choice. It makes no sense to ride any other mount if there’s one that has that ability…no need to play dumb.

So if there was only one mount in the game that could fly and it made all your other mounts completely obsolete, you’d rather keep it that way then allow all your mounts to fly? 'cause that’s what you’re coming off as to me.

Yup, just like having flying mounts and using flying is a choice, right? :joy: It’s advantageous to have a mount that passively water walks FACT. NOT using it is gimping yourself, there’s no reason to ride any other mount.

No, I will keep pointing out that trying to keep the water strider’s water walking AND add mount equipment is stupid because it is. The whole reason for mount equipment is so people aren’t forced to use the water strider all the time. It’s un-arguably advantageous to use it over any other mount ALL the time because you MIGHT go over water. How do people not understand such a basic concept? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Once more for emphasis. No one is asking for the striders getting mount equipment AND keeping their water walking ability. We’re asking that it be exempt from mount equipment, just like the sky golem.



I would have been happy with that outcome. But instead, the way it’s going to be implemented, it actually limits choice.

Last time I checked, there is also other choices.

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Once again for emphasis, I never said they did. I said they want the water strider to have water walking AND be able to use all the mount equipment on their other mounts. That’s stupid. It still forces people to get the water strider because not having it gimps you and forces you to carry around multiple mount equipments.

Getting rid of the passive is literally the reason mount equipment is being made, so people aren’t forced to use the water strider or get it if they don’t want to.

It’s like if there was only one mount with flying in the game and Blizzard decided to make mount equipment to allow all mounts to fly and people said “Yeah but I want my flying mount to keep flying AND be able to use all the other mount equipment on my other mounts”

It would literally negate allowing every mount to fly because if you’re any kind of logical human being you’d have one mount that can fly and use all the other types of mount equipment on your other mounts. How is that hard to understand? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I just don’t get why these people crying about the water strider’s passive don’t suggest things like every mount being able to use its own unique mount equipment. That way they can have the water strider with water walking and every mount with every other kind of mount equipment they make.

To me it’s just people being completely short sighted and selfish and not looking at the situation as a whole.

Once again:

I have suggested that – many times. But I doubt anyone from Blizzard even reads these forums, so I’ve just been wasting my effort.

And for the record, I have not shed a single tear about this.

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Once again. If you’re any kind of logical human being you’re going to get a mount that passively can water walk.

That’s like having there be only one mount in the game that EVERYone uses because it can fly and no other mount can fly and people complaining saying “It should still be the only mount that can fly so I can use it AND all the mount equipment on my other mounts”

Nobody’s going to put the mount equipment to make all their mounts fly if they can just pick up a mount that passively has it. That’d be stupid. It also wouldn’t solve the issue of everyone only using that specific mount to fly. :roll_eyes:

Well it’s a heck of a lot better idea than “Everyone should have to get the water strider mount if they want to have water walking passive and not carry around a ton of mount equips”

All I see people complaining about is making the water strider keept its passive, which is insanely short sighted and just dumb.

Special equipment are not needed.
Blizz can simply (sacastic) restrict mount with water striding ability “expansion zone specific”.

They can release new water striding mounts on every expansion for players to pursue (probably $1m golds each lol).

And a new faction with rep selling set of water striding mount usable in old worlds.

You know you’re right,they could just ban ww in the zone only.

Dude, will you seriously stop. Everyone has every right to like or dislike things. When 8.2 drops, you have every right to use the Mount Equipment system.

But at the moment, I have every right to keep asking for my Water Strider to be left alone, and untouched. It isn’t going to be effecting your game play, so I don’t see why you dislike us when we ask for our Water Striders to be left alone.

Nice contradiction there.


Same to you, dude.

Which is a short sighted selfish suggestion.

Because there’s WAY better suggestions than complaining that YOU should get to keep water walking AND use mount equipment for the rest of your mounts? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ah, so you want to be able to use all of the equipment on your mounts. But you are happy to accuse others of wanting to use two effects whether they are or not. Not that I’ve seen anyone ask for even two, it’s either “keep what we earned” or your “I want them all gimme gimme gimme”. Who’s crying here?


You know what, flagged!

You are seriously trolling. What I am requesting, isn’t being selfish. And what is also being requested, isn’t complaining.

As I said, it isn’t going to effect your game play, so I dunno why you coming into this thread and just contesting against me for something that doesn’t effect you.


I mean I think it’s a WAY better suggestion than complaining that water striders don’t get to keep water walking and yeah, I think ALL your mounts having the exact same equipment would suck.

I mean, they can ask all they want. I’m merely pointing out how short sighted, selfish, and silly it is. I mean Blizzard even explained why they’re taking it away, people shouldn’t have to get the water strider to water walk. If they kept it the same way, people would still feel the need to get the water strider and have it be the only water walking mount because anything else would be a waste of time / money.

Admitting to abusing the forum tools? The flag button isn’t a disagreement button. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

FYI I’m merely replying to people who reply to me…so if anything you’re trolling by starting the argument and then refusing to stop.

Because I think your opinion is short sighted? hardly.

No, but It’s a short sighted request and doesn’t make a lick of sense in comparison to other suggestions.

Considering there’s WAY better suggestions, I think it is.

Uh, if it was your way it would. It would force everyone to get the water strider and ONLY use the water strider to walk on water. Anything else would be a complete waste of space / time.

Rather than mindlessly repeating “it’s selfish and shortsighted”, how about explaining how on God’s green earth (or Azeroth, that too) asking to keep the achievement reward as it is is EITHER?

Insisting that only the strider would be used if waterwalking equipment was available and the mount kept its ability is admitting that one or all other kinds of equipment are superior and you would use them instead in every instance. Are you sure you want to admit that?


You think I am flagging to disagree? You’re making upsetting post, saying that our request is selfish, and calling it all complaining. Virtually, all your doing is giving negative replies.