So, what is the point of calling it a Water Strider if it can’t do what it was placed in game to do? Might of well remove the Water out of the name and called it Strider.
After all, with the upcoming Mount Equipments coming in 8.2, it is giving Blizzard a chance to remove more from the game, and is giving Blizzard an excuse to remove Water Walking abilities that DK’s/Shamans have in the future. Though, this could be my speculation at the moment.
I wouldn’t want them to get rid of those classes water walking ability, they would be the only classes that could have water walking and another ability active on their mounts at the same time which could lead to some fun combos. Lol
If they took it away I’d be very sad for those classes and even more so if a fun ability is taken from them and not replaced by something new at least.
Some of those little fun and unique to class abilities are what make me want to play half the classes I do in the first place taking those away would be the end of any difference between classes to me besides the graphics.
Maybe we can just rename it “Water*” Strider(*“water” strider may or may not stride on water, see your local mount equipment dealer for details)
Short and to the point, no?
Well, it is just a speculation though. I can’t say whether they will or won’t. But judging by Blizzards history with class pruning and stuff, could be a pretty big possibility.
It would not surprise me down the road this mount equipment doesn’t work in new content. Also wouldn’t surprise me thats how they gate flight in the future either.
Sad thing is I saw they recently added a similar feature to Everquest 2 only… brace yourselves… they didn’t take anything away. Apparently Blizzard can only give us something new if they take something away first.
The other thread is locked again. Apparently, there are a lot of forum posters who want us to lose our water striders, so they flag the posts in that thread, and it auto-closes.
It’s a slippery slope from removing (just moving actually) a water strider’s ability to FEMA death camps and listening devices in our fillings. Clearly mount equipment is an evil world domination plot by Blizzard. Does anyone else smell toast?
The immersion-breaking of the water strider is what irks me the most.
Blizz, just exempt the water strider from being able to use mount equipment—like the herb golem. Don’t break its inherent water strider-iness. That’s just stupid.