If they did not want people to grind rep, they would have removed all rep mounts, however, they did in fact add more rep mounts in 8.2.
If they didn’t want people to “only” use the water strider, they could have introduced more water walking mounts back in Legion (and don’t forget that sinking boat they have).
No one knows. Anything any of us say could be conjecture. For example, as far as getting the strider in question, during any MoP timewalking event, it’s possible to get the rep from 0 to exalted in a single day, depending on how much you play or how many badges you have. It’s not as if they did not make it extremly simple to get the water strider to begin with, 21 days at about 5 mins of questing a day? That’s nothing.
Ever wonder why they made it easy to get the strider?
Again, all conjecture. They added rep for that easy to get mount, but Ogrila rep still takes an enormous amount of time to get. Why is one able to be bought to exalted in a day and the other requires so many freaking games of Simon over months? Again, who knows?
Anyway, you do not know why they did anything with the strider or with this equipment they are adding and neither do I. Only the dev’s do, and anything else is just folderol, balderdash, an a boondoggle to discuss.
Yeah if anyone shouldn’t be talking about empathy it’s you.
You want blizzard to break something many of us rely on.
There’s a simple, succinct and highly appropriate emotional response to you for that, and it’s neither civil nor compliant with the forum usage policies.
Yo, Jops! How are you doing? Oh, upset with me I guess. Sort of writing this as I read. Oh well, hey, on the bright side, you’re unsubbed, so you don’t really have anything worry about anymore.
Oh good, you’re responding. I am bored as hell waiting for Toonami to start.
Well, I do think it’s kind of silly how much you guys “feel” towards me or any other show of reason. You have to admit, sometimes, when you see people freaking out of nonsense, it can be worth a chuckle, but yeesh, this has gone dreadfully beyond that. So, not really proud, I’d rather us be friends, but it is what it is. You’re leaving the game, I’ll be around. I’m going to put my free boots on my mount, and I’ll even get on my strider. I’m naming it Jops so that I never forget you and all this… this… um, delightful conversation lol
I chimed in on the locked thread so I will add my opinion here:
Win/Wins are the best kind of solution, although not always possible. In this case we are fortunate enough to have this option… Please just exempt the Water Strider from being able to use mount equipment.
First off, I am pretty sure that this is happening. That aside, what if I want my strider to slowfall or have anti daze? Why take away my gameplay on it, when you can still use your inflatable boots?
Honestly? You’re just a place-holder. A punching bag willing to provoke shots that we wish Blizzard would have the courage to actually step up and respond to.
But it’s pointless… because they won’t. They’ll just continue rolling out weird, irrational, stupid “we know best and you’ll suck it up because you’re hooked” decisions until they drive the game completely so far into the ground that they can finally turn it off.
Which seems to be their goal anyway. We may as well just accept it and cut our losses.
It’s a shame that my subscription still has months left on it. Money absolutely and completely wasted here.
I am a punching bag? I just go with the flow. I don’t become emotional over things outside of my control, because it is irrational to do so. If they do “drive it into the ground” it’s no water off your back. This isn’t my game or yours, so who cares if it ever ends up unplugged?
I don’t feel entitled to it, but it’s happening, so, it’s one of those things where they just have to accept that reality is what it is. And, like I said earlier, you’re gone anyway? Why even care? Oop! My Hero Academia is beginning, so Toonami jsut started. I’ll check back to the circus here, mañana.
It’s the improving something by breaking something else.
Here, it’s making a very relevant skill in a shoreline expansion more accessible, …by breaking something inherent to a thing already ingame, already earned by many people.
AND making it extremely likely that said capability is going to be shadowed out by other skills that are more practical going forward. All of which will probably devalue every expansion landmass to make us use new versions of it.
Better ways to make the other mounts relevant have been proposed.
And you two, you know who you are, please add light to the situation, not heat.
Address the concerns raised about this, and we all win. You get to waterwalk on something besides a strider, and we feel like it’s a fully polished feature.
My time is MY time. My years of playing this game are still MY time playing it. To see that legacy squandered because the company running it is being stupid… is not something that has zero emotional impact.
But nice try at trivializing it by making a specious argument about intellectual property.
Enjoy your… no wait it’s not YOUR show. It’s their show. I hope they don’t cancel it mid season, because you totally wouldn’t care that they left you hanging or anything, right? So why bother watching it at all then? Right?
We pointed out that WW equipment buf broke on falling damage. Blizzard addressed it by fixing it.
We (er, Wowhead) pointed out that Daze/dismount protection from Absorbs got removed. Blizzard addressed it by fixing it.
We pointed out that almost half of all mounts were too big to resume walking on water if you mount while swimming. Blizzard half-addressed this, and it seems like the number of problem mounts is half what it was.
We pointed out that we shouldn’t have to repurchase something that we unlocked account wide. Blizzard compromised with 'one free, more for cheap but with a big cost in time to get more because you’re only allowed to carry ONE."
We pointed out that MANY of us feel strongly that the water striders SHOULD be exempt from mount equipment just like the sky golems and swimming mounts … and blizzard, so far, hasn’t responded.
There are other ways to cross water which Blizzard is not nerfing, but they’re leaving those alone, so why this mount in particular can’t be tolerated as is… is frustratingly unclear. Lots of ugly speculation as to why… but Blizzard remains silent.
And if they do post a reason for it, few of us expect it to be anything more than patently transparant spin/glad-handing from a CM, without any real credibility.
Sorry, I did not mean that at you, I meant that for the two that think telling worried people to calm down without addressing why they are worried is useful.
They are reminding me a lot of individuals on the big thread back in Cata about worgen models going(and remaining) live very unpolished. These people added nothing solutionwise, just seemed to be there to Devil’s Advocate and rile people up.
It’s extremely frustrating to watch something you warned people about happen anyway. I suppose in the end here, take comfort in not being the only one that saw the issues.
Then what of the rep people already have does Blizzard wish to do so after all the work the player have done.If so then get rid of all rep and achievements from the game,why not.
Btw,i looked up the ww ability that is crafted made they do stack to 20.
Main reason for the removal is to give all players the chance to achieve part 2 in pathfinder.When you have an advantage ,such as ww you’ll get it faster than other players that don’t have it. Blizzard you could have saved alot of grief by simply explaining this to your player base in the first place.