They won’t be changing this, and logically, they should not. So, you might be sad now, but you’ll roll with the punches or move on to other things. I about lost my excrement when Blood Elves joined the Horde back in BC instead of Zul’jin and the Amani joining us, and then eredar were suddenly space faring light weilding good guys? I mean, good god, but here I am years later. Learn to become numb to the changes. It’s no good to piss and moan about it or dwell on it ad infinitum, because, it changes nothing and adds a negativity to your life and game. In essence, you take away your own fun and joy in something. I focus on what I DO like on WoW, and have given up everything else.
Vanilla WoW- ran MC and only did world PvP until BGs released.
BC - hated the raids and played almost all world PvE dailies
WotLK - loved the raids, liked Wintergrasp, hated the world PvE content
CATA - loved Tol Barad and spent almost every day out there for PvP, disliekd everything else.
MoP - hated the entire thing. Hate the music, the aesthetics, the lands, was happy when I saw preview for Zandalari, but then pissed they were enemies instead of joining the Horde. Literally, I did not like a single aspect of that expansion, spent most of it, leveling alts (now have 31 lvl 110 + of them because of MoP)
WoD - loved the alt leveling, loved the world PvE content, hated the raids and did not like the PvP zone. Hated how flying changed by being gated.
Legion - liked leveling alts mostly, did not like that I had class halls and played pals with alliance in them. World PvE was fun, stopped PvP entirely. Refused to play until flying became unlocked.
BfA - refused to play until flying becomes unlocked. Like the outdoor content a lot, have no interest in PvP anymore. Love that I can finally be another type of troll. Was disappointed that Allied Races became nothing instead of huge number of cool new races to play like forest trolls and ogres. Have liked collecting things, so will enjoy 8.2.
And, in the future I am sure my playing will change again.
If I held on to what I really loved, I would have stopped playing when BC came out. So, that’s my advice. Evolve your play to fit whatever the game becomes or just leave and find fun somewhere else. If you are not having fun, then, why torture yourself?