8.2 Mount Equipment and Water Strider

I’ve had it for six years, and I’m looking very much forward to enjoying some other mounts for once… The hole “earned it” thing worked fine… in MoP. We are in BfA now, not MoP.

Earning it now on a 120 is by far not the same thing as on a 90 in MoP either, don’t kid yourself. It’s like getting tmogs in Legion with a 120, its nowhere near as hard as 110.

There are several issues that I have with the change in the Water Strider. Note I have zero issues with the addition of a new mount equipment system overall.

  1. A Water Strider that must have something special equipped on it to do what it always did is no longer the Water Strider that I owned. There is no quest line that indicates there is some sort of genetic ravagement or illness that makes this equipment necessary. They are breaking their world. This matters to me. As the integrity of the world degrades, I grow less invested.

  2. There are the principals involved. If they were taking away water walking in toto, I would be sad, but it would work for me. They are not, however, thus they do not object to water walking at all. So the senseless removal of a baseline feature of a mount that some players went out of their way to obtain when it was current content leaves a bad taste in the mouth of players who took the time.

It’s not about the end result. To go to an extreme example - someone hits you to the point you bruise. It matters if that was done because they mistook you for an intruder, or if they were angry at you. The end result remains the same; how that sits with you is 100% different.

I get that (in the case of a mount in a video game :slight_smile: ) all you care about is the end result, but other people care about the underlying whys.

Does that make sense, even if it is different to the way you approach the game?

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Sure, it’d be great to make everyone happy but I don’t think they really can do that. If they left the strider with water walking, then I’d probably use some other equipment and … end up just using the strider 100% of the time… exactly like what happened over the last 6 years. I get annoyed when i can’t walk on water.

My guess, Bliz understands that behavior and is trying to deal with it… I don’t see it as senseless, but I do understand it ruins your view of the strider…

I agree - that is why we want the mount to have no equipment slot. That would make everyone happy - right?

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Water Walking Equipment is only good as a temporary place holder until non-paladins can get something better.

People are gonna die on impact a lot more until they learn to LOOK DOWN before high-jumping into water. That’s gonna be so popular.

And Blizzard won’t dare mess with Sky Golems until they’re no longer an incentive for people to buy/sell wowtokens. So naturally they ‘decided’ not to create herbing equipment.

Uh, no?

The rest of my paragraph:
… end up just using the strider 100% of the time… exactly like what happened over the last 6 years. I get annoyed when i can’t walk on water.

He honestly thinks though that just because the Water Striders have water walking, it means he has to use it. But there is nobody forcing him to use it.

Not what I said, but you can re-read if you feel inclined.

Easy problem to fix: make the new mount equipment have a very similar mute system that Living Steel and Jard’s had. Basically they can re-use the same ideas for the same benefit, but let us farm in the new content instead of the MoP farm.

Hmm… then I misunderstood. Let me see if I can understand -

So you are saying if your WS kept it’s “power” to walk on water, you would equip, say, speed on your other mounts, and then still use the strider when there is water?

Sorry, I’m not trying to be slow on the uptake, but I just don’t think like you, and would like to understand. Thank you for your patience.

All you needed for the MoP walker was to click “fish” for 3 weeks.

I’m saying that I would probably attempt some other equip, but get bored of switching mounts and just use the strider. Bliz really doesn’t want that to happen, so they are talking that away.

lol This is a new thread with all the old people in it. I’m still waiting to get my screenshots on my strider slowfalling which is going to be my “flying not unlocked yet” go to. If someone does not want their strider to walk on water and prefers it to do something different, it can. I leave the forums for a couple of months and the same handful of people are still complaining, having made hundreds of posts basically saying the same thing for months.

As I said before on other threads, people that personally love the strider as their favorite mount, will and should have the other options available to them (slowfall and anti-daze). And, since it would be an unfair disadvantage to have instilled water walking AND be able to do one of the other ones, then here we are. The same will happen to the golem if there is harvesting mount equipment added, it will then be rendered just a mount, and you’ll be able to choose what gear to give it.

My serious question is, do you honestly believe that the same dozen or so of you, droning on endlessly, will change them taking water walking off the mount? You really think your own selfish desire to limit that mount to one thing outweighs the ability for anyone who wants it to do the other abilities instead? (even though you could STILL choose to have it walk on water?) You’re as entitled sounding as the anti-fly people where you want others to play YOUR way even though YOUR way is still playable with this change. Oh well, with the PvP season ending, soon enough 8.2 will be out and, these people complaining about the strider can move on to complain about something else, I suppose. What will Jops and the other hardcore strider complainers do with all the spare time? What horrible injustice will the focus on next? lol Tune in to find out after 8.2 launches!

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Why? You paladins are the only people that would be using water walking equipment anyway… use whatever mount YOU want.

Or use a potion like the rest of us are going to have to.

AGAIN, why would the rest of us sacrifice speed all the time so that we can walk on water some of the time?

It makes no sense.

Blizzard’s goal is to make it so that water walking is more inconvenient for most of the player population.

Mission accomplished.


Zul, I think you nailed it, I’m moving on from this thread and others like it - I wasn’t around in the last iteration of it, but I do see that it’s not really about discussion, its about something else that I’m honestly not interested in.

I’m just not tracking. If water walking is the most important thing to you, and you dislike the Strider, then wouldn’t you just equip WW in the slot and use your favorite mount?

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Correct. Trust me on this. You’d have as productive a time going into the official High Elf thread to explain that Blood Elves are high elves.

Oh goody, Jops is responding as I type this. Are you just copy and pasting something you’ve already told me a hundred times before? Or something new I wonder…

Let me refresh your mind.

  • You have said it is because of the Water Strider you have refused to farm for mounts
  • You have also said that people using the Water Strider is not good for the game.
  • You have also said why should you be forced to use water walking potions?

Want me to go on?

Do you think it is fair for all of us who have spent the time farming for this mount to have it nerfed because of those who don’t like it and think it is the only way to water walk while mounted?

I have said mount, and yes, it’s the most fair way I can see to logically do it with the game changing as it is.

I honestly think I earned that water strider ability. And it is not a un-fair disadvantage if you can EARN it anytime you like as well. And NO it’s NOT selfish to want to keep that!

Oh and BTW no water walking in one PVP area offers the Horde a unfair advantage since they only have to climb a hill while the alliance as to wade thru a sewer. Wonder how they are going to fix that?

I think actually they are removing water strider to make class choice more impactful rather than look at a reason to remove water walking completely besides follower equipment.

What’s the point of being a DK or shaman if everyone can just have a water strider?

For example questing as a blood DK you don’t need barding or water shoes so you can then go with the air baloons or the speed boost. This is a big perk to questing as blood DK and should be rewarded. If you leave water strider in game any tank has the same perk as blood DK.

People talk about class identity and this is giving more uniqueness to water walking classes and making them more valuable, and at the same time giving you the option as a non DK or shaman to use any mount to water walk.

honestly haven’t been too impressed with popular opinion on the matter. It wasn’t hard to get the strider in MoP i got it while watching TV everyday and now its even easier just turn in timewalking coins from chromie to the timewalking vendor for easy rep. and now you are rewarded with free water walking at first and the rest are going to be severely discounted.

never personally liked the strider model although the mount special was cute. Didn’t like being pidgeon holed into using the strider while questing or running TD dungeon. It’s totally fine IMO.