8.2 Mount Equipment and Water Strider

No, your basically trolling at this point. Even if I saw people on water striders all the time, it wouldn’t stop me farming for mounts.

And even if I do own the Water Strider, I rarely use it, on any of my toons, because I have Alchemy on one of my toons, I go ahead and craft myself Water Walking pots, and since my Shaman is my main, I use the water walking ability.

I’m not in favor of having Bliz add annoyances to the game. I don’t want to be mounting/dismounting 20 times going from point A to B to do a 5 minute WQ. Why do you want to spend more time just getting to the fun in the game? /shrug

So you think I should be forced to use consumables just to… get from point A to B… and that makes the game more fun?

I guess you enjoy the travel. I like the destination more. I wish I could hearth or port to any dungeon, cuz the waste of time to get there to start my M+ is … without a doubt… not the fun part of the game to me.

What you call annoying, people may also call fun.

You do not = 100% of the playerbase.
And you do not get special treatment for playing the game.

It is bad enough a lot of our toys have been nerfed badly.

Ok, let me get this straight:

  • Mount Equipments are also consumables. So think before you make a contradicting post
  • If you don’t want to use consumables or the water strider, then don’t use it.

I got a BIG tip for you then! Don’t use any mounts, ever. That would make the game more fun for you! You still can use your water walking in style. There you go, I just made your day better.

OH I GET IT! You thought you had to apply the equipment every time you mounted ! NO WONDER you are upset. Yeah, that would suck, I totally agree.

Man, you still don’t get it. No wonder Blizzard hates fun, because they always cater to kids that complain about everything.

News (to you): you are the complainer in this tread.

Maybe you should read what you have posted before being a dick and calling others a complainer.

Read your own last 2 posts, you just commented on yourself.

Please explain how this is not “good for the game.” What difference does it make to the game what mount I use?

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Because of immersion. I know that doesn’t matter to you, and that’s fine. However, I only use my Water Strider when I’m dabbling around water. No water, No strider. I do dismount and pull out my ground mount.

Jops suggestion is 100% workable for me. I get that it would want you to tear your hair out. Your gameplay revolves around the completion of objectives in the most concise manner. My gameplay revolves around immersion, and to me a Water Strider away from water makes no sense. However - good news - you can use a different mount with the new system that doesn’t have that debuff on land.

Again - I’m happy for all those who can’t wait to take their Yak out on the water. Not really - it’s going to look daft and jarring to me, but just like the players that cannot move from point A to point B w/out jumping in full plate, I’ll learn to write them off in my head. But the point is, I’m willing to compromise.

So I don’t see why I just can’t keep my Strider the way it is. I’d happily opt out of the entire system to keep their mitts off of it.

I earned it organically back in MoP, I don’t use it in an obnoxious way. Haven’t seen a single post complaining about seeing it around water. Honestly, underneath it all I think what has been really going on is that the overuse of the Strider has been breaking immersion - seeing it so much on land, miles away from any water feature. Ironic, no?


Sure, no problem, here is my logic:

  • Bliz works on game content to entertain us
  • Bliz puts a lot of time into new mounts for us to enjoy getting and using
  • Players are ignoring this content because one specific mount, from 6 years ago, is vastly better than anything else

Example: with the new system coming, I already got 4-5 new mounts from vendors that I otherwise would not have bothered to get. So I am now using more of Bliz’s content. That’s a win for Bliz.

Bleh. I don’t buy it. My favorite mount is the Headless Horseman’s mount, which has been in the game longer than the strider. By your logic, I shouldn’t use it, because I’m missing out on all the other, newer, shiner mounts they’ve created.

Bad argument.


You do have this option, apply your free equipment and carry on the same way you are now. You are literally losing nothing at all. So why carry on and on and on… what, specifically, ARE you losing that has upset you so much?

Listen up, because there’s more to this than will fit on a bumper sticker and short attention span mentality will likely get distracted by something shiney before getting through it.

Tanks, Warlocks and players with “Resounding Protection” have passive daze/dismount protection.

We don’t have to take the long way around mobs to avoid accidentally getting hit. WE DON’T CARE. We charge right through and keep going until they reset.

But whatever water walking buff we had, on striders(now) or mount equipment(in the future)… will have been dispelled.

We will HAVE TO REMOUNT to cross water, regardless.

[Summon Random Favorite Mount] is smart. It will choose a water strider if you’re standing in water or swimming at the surface. If I sink in water, no problem, hit that mount button, jump and GO!

But that ends in 8.2. Mount speed is hella-important and unlike the other mount eqiupment, THERE IS NO CONSUMABLE alternate version of it. DK/Pally already have a move bonus, and get little or nothing from speed mount equipment. EVERYONE ELSE will want speed over all other options.

So, now instead of having 2 mounts that walk on water… I’ll have none and lose bag space so I can carry those annoying water walking potions around. Or, I bind another hot key for the angler’s raft and get all my alts trained in MoP fishing(1) so they can use it.

If Blizzard exempted the water striders from the effect of mount equipment, they wouldn’t have the 20% move bonus and your imaginary 10,000 to 1 people that “always use striders instead of all other mounts combined” would quickly switch to using them only for water crossing.

This isn’t a real problem that needs fixing.

And even if it were, exempting water striders from mount equipment and letting them keep their ability would fix THAT non-problem very well.

There’s no need to take it further than that.


I’ll repeat this, since many people missed it last time I posted it:

If they leave the strider alone, and exempt it from equipment (like they’re doing with the Sky Golem), it’s a win/win. Everyone gets to keep their equipment, and we get to keep our striders.

If they nerf the strider, it’s a win/lose. Only trolls who relish in the thought of the rest of us losing something are winners.

Obvious choice in my book.

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Not true. It means the mount equip for water walking would not be used (because you have a mount with it, you wouldn’t need to ever make a decision to apply it and could use another one freely). Sky Golem doesn’t have the equivalent mount equipment. IF IT DID, you bet they would disable the golem. They’d have to. I fully expect that to happen at some point.

So what? I earned a water walking mount. It doesn’t hurt anyone if I use it. If you want one, go earn it like the rest of us.

At this point, I hope they just do away with mounts and make us walk (yes, walk) everywhere.

The state of this game is freaking absurd now.

“Hey players – here’s a cool new shiny thing for you to work towards.” Then they take it away, because a bunch of crybabies can’t be bothered to do the work.

How does a mount ruin the oppitunity to do content? You can’t not do everything while mounted.

It is not like you sit on an Azure Water Strider or Reins of the Raven Lord for 10 minutes, oh look, you have earned a 370 Mythic Dungeon Gear.