… of Blizzard not sharing the AuctionDB Realm data, let’s shoot for 100 days!!
oh no, you can’t game the market on in-game items. Very sad. One tear for the Wolf of Wallstreet larpers.
It’s clear to me that you don’t know what AuctionRealm data is so I’m just going to ignore you.
Your worst take yet~!
Keep up the good work!
Won’t anyone think of the gold sellers
I find it funny that you’re implying I sell gold and it’s still clear to me that you don’t know what Auction Realm Data is.
The fact that you have such a bad take here, shows that you don’t use TSM nor have ever, so your opinion doesn’t count. No self-respecting person that actually tries to make gold at all legitimately, uses the AH without addons, and we have no way to track the recent sales/value of items whatsoever.
Can you turn your brain on now?
Million tears for gold seller sadness.
Fool can’t read.
I don’t want to buy gold, sirs.
…Which is relevant how? Since all that data really shows is how much things can sell for and how often they sell, it’s more optimization of crafting more than anything else; should I use the herbs I get to make flasks to sell to others, elixirs for my own use, or something else entirely? Is transmuting for Pyrium better than transmuting for Truegold or the other way around, and by how much?
Hell, if TSM wasn’t bugging out without the data, just being able to sort through the AH listing and buy stuff faster and without getting caught by the people intentionally putting stuff up for tens of thousands for a single item would not only make our lives a little easier, but also yours as well if you used the addon just for that purpose.
I get the feeling this is like talking to a brick wall with even fewer brain cells, but other people who don’t have their heads lodged so far up themselves they make an ouroboros jealous might read that and think for a few seconds more than you seem to have done.
It’s not, blizzard has not updated the AH database for TSM to use the information. TSM is fine, in FACT, TSM works great on both classic anniversary and retail - Cata servers are getting the shaft every which-way you look.
Except its used by botters and gold sellers mostly to manipulate the market
When I had it running in Cata after the data stopped being available, I was getting Lua errors like you wouldn’t believe, and disabling TSM stopped them. Were it not for that, I’d still have it installed for the ease of listing/buying items alone.
You mean something that’s going to happen anyway regardless of the data being available to everyone?
Funny, I don’t get those errors, nor do I use TSM to list or buy any auctions and never have, so…
This could also be attributed to the addon not being allowed to function the way it should, the data collection is being blocked. Now, with my limited knowledge of how to write/update addons, this answer to the errors is questionable at best…
No need to make the practice easier for them.
Only because of the operations and groups you can do with TSM, it likely has nothing to do with the realm data, something you’d know if you actually used it. Either way with or without TSM people would be doing it just on a different addon or perhaps even no addon it wouldn’t change anything.
They’re botters it’s what they do, they’d just move on to a different addon if it were an issue.
That’s my assumption. Using it to list stuff is both good and bad, since usually it’ll automatically undercut the lowest price for a given item, but you can only post up to 5 of a given item through TSM, needing to do it manually for anything past that.
Buying is MUCH better, though, since it auto-sorts every listing from most efficient to least, so if there’s a full stack of Stormvine, for example, that’s cheaper per unit than the inevitable single unit listing, that’ll be closer to the top than the single unit listing.
That being said, getting the retail UI instead of the original would make a lot of problems I personally have with the AH interface nonexistent.
You need to set up operations and groups for TSM if that’s happening to you, or at least change it so that it’s no longer limiting you to post 5 at a time. It can be quite daunting but makes things infinitely better when you do.
Another thing you can do is set a price/market % limit where if something is X amount of gold or the item posted is X% above market value it will add a confirmation popup making accidental scam purchases practactly non-existant (it’s in the Browse/Sniper part of the settings).
If I still had it installed I probably would, but since those Lua errors cause some serious problems after a while, I’ll wait until Blizz starts sending the data again.