70.000g to get an achievement?

Maybe this achieve is another one of those weird social/psychology experiments the devs do from time to time, and they want to see how many folks pony up for this?

/moo :cow:


Uh… yeah. What do you want me to spend it on? My M+ consumes are not a lot, and I would still even value achievement points over certain gold sink mounts such as the BMAH one.

I already spend gold on much worse things than achievement points.

What about squashes?

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Then go bellyache on the EU forums.

Would be cool if they made it 1mil gold = 1k achiev points as well, that would be fun af!
P.S Make it repeatable as well.

Why don’t you go bellyache in some other thread?
I see that this thread made you upset, you can leave and forget about it.

When I can sit here and remind people about “My Sack is Gigantique” which cost 1200g back in BC? Heck no.


You mean you come here to reinforce me, by showing that an achievement from 20something had an actual reward?

And not just 10AP?
Thanks a lot, mister dwarf.

Maybe we should stay on those types of rewards?

To be fair the bag is also pretty worthless and so it really is just 10 points to be bought.

Now it is worthless. Back then it wasn’t.

Spending 50,000 gold for a dragon riding pattern is something I will do even if I never use that pattern on my dragon mount. Spending 70,000 gold for ah achievement that gives nothing but 10 points not worth it to me. Both would require multiple weeks of farming world quests to make back the money but at least one of them I can see a reward for the purchase. I was not around during WoD to make major money and I don’t like farming because that is just boring.

Crafting is a hit or miss because there rarely any work orders that offer a commission and I have all professions maxed out. I refuse to sit in trade chat for hours on end again like farming to maybe make a few gold, which I could make more from doing world quests on multiple toons.

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Oh ty for reminding me I gotta go to the lunar festival and get the thingy

Careful, they list the same pattern on both vendors so don’t purchase it twice.

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That doesn’t matter to me.

It exists in its current condition as nothing more than a gold sink achievement. Exactly the same as the new one.

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Oh boy yeah they do! Yeek! It is the exact same thing twice.

Those are fine. Very good, in fact.

Eggplant just looks/tastes like a nasty, old sponge.


Eggplant is good in pasta though if cooked right

They are 2 different things, if you can’t see that, then it’s your perception that is broken.
To make it clear to you:

  1. Bag achiev had an actual useful reward at the time of implementation.
  2. Gold > 10AP achiev, doesn’t have an actual useful reward at the time of implementation.

Reminder that you’ll be spending 70k on something that you don’t find, and isn’t, useful in a few days, gratz.

I think you’re stuck in the past which is clouding your perception.

But it currently does not. That past state of the achievement doesn’t matter. It exists currently as a gold sink achievement and would be a grey achievement for people who do not hand over gold and get nothing in return except for points in it’s current condition.

Again, I don’t care about time of implementation, I care about current condition.

What do you want me to spend it on? Want it to just sit there, existing? I have more gold than I need to maintain my adventures. I have nothing to spend it on that I want.

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Bro doesn’t the Yak have 10 achievement points tied to it and doesn’t it cost six digits?

This is outrage over nothing.

Are you really equaling the Bag achiev with this donation achiev?
They are on the same lvl? Same usefulness?

Next expac you’ll say the Fyrakk lego is as worthless as , donate 100k gold for 10AP?

You can buy mounts/pets that you don’t have, instead of 10 AP.
You see how stupid that conversion is, you just won’t admit it because you’re prideful.

Bro, you get the Yak, it’s actually useful.
You don’t spend 70k gold on 10 AP.
You find that you’re getting something out of your gold like that?