70.000g to get an achievement?

But in the end… we’ve got some very awesome people in here who donate gold to each other! So it still had its positives!


You are aweosme. :purple_heart:

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Wait what?

Does the gold do something?

And yet you can read, but you can’t understand what you are reading.
It’s called lacking reading comprehension.

To make this clear to you:
I care - enough to make a thread about Blizzard putting in an achiev that you have to pay 70k gold to get 10AP, where i ask:

I don’t care -

If you don’t see the difference between the 2 statements, then you’ve slept through school too much.

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it came out in the year of our lord 2008.

Never used that, so idk.

The thread will get bumped on the day the achiev becomes available and people can show me where their gold lies.
It’s gonna be on Monday i think.

If there was a title involved here, it wouldn’t be an issue. Paying 70k g for 10 AP is.

So then what’s your deal if we’re agreeing with you? Who cares what we spend a digital currency on?

If we’re talking abouth the fact that Blizz is adding nothing… thing, I think they do that all the time. But that’s a subjective thing. In a jaded way to me anything that’s not M+ content is nothing content kek.

There might be people who have gold saved up and would appreciate an actual achievement for it.

So you support not having gold > achievement points types of achievements?

If you break the bank for achievement points then that’s on you because imo achievement points are worthless. I am only getting it because it was, in essence, gifted to me.

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Side note, there’s also apparently an effect from wowhead.

The achievement is in the game but I don’t see anything about the Gala of Gifts thus far.

Apparently it’s tied to this NPC

Another added NPC that’s from the portal but a different version of the portal… maybe a horde portal?

If you care, then do it. If you don’t care enough, dont do it. If you think its stupid, don’t do it.

If i wanted it, id do it. I dont want it, and i dont care enough. So I wont do it. And the world keeps spinning.


I cared enough to make a thread and ask wtf is up with this.

What is your problem with the thread?

So an achiev paying gold directly is worthless. gold = worth exchanging something of worth for nothing?

Idk about that, but if you mouseover the, Event: Love is in the Air link

You can see it says:
Something is in the air in the major cities of Azeroth. Artisans have come together to put on the Gala of Gifts, where townsfolk can get tokens of kindness and affection for their loved ones.

Whatever that means, idk.

lol be funny if the “gold” in the achievement are those tokens of kindness things XD

But… guess we’ll see monday what it is.

70k tokens is kinda a lot. lol, so i doubt that’s the case, the phrasing is not indicating that either.
We usually have hundreds of tokens at most i think.

But again… we wait til Monday and see what happens.

Could be a “pay x amount of gold to start the event” or something too… who knows.

Monday awaits!

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I mean we had a feat of str recently people were losing their minds over. The secrets of azeroth lol.
Not even worth a single achievement point, yet people were up in arms about how it wasn’t fair they couldn’t get a worthless feat (with quite literally nothing attached to it).

Majority of players won’t care about this.

What do you call Chromie’s hips?

A waist of time.

I’ll show myself out.


I’m just wondering why the OP claims to care about achievement points so much, but doesn’t have any.


I don’t care about achievement points that much.
I care about achievements having an actual reward if they’re gonna make it cost gold.

And you can’t see achievements on my US account… because i play on EU.

The whole thing had rewards throughout it if i remember right.

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It’s gd. Most posts these days are complaining to complain.

I mean, you get +10 points. Seems like a reward for those who hoard gold. It’s just not something YOU would consider a reward.

I hate eggplants.