70.000g to get an achievement?


You can make that gold within two weeks if you know what you’re doing

You’re just bad at managing money

How is that relevant to paying 70k for 10 AP?
Are you buying the achievement or do you actually have a functioning brain and realize it’s not worth it?

Yours isn’t at optimum due to the fact you can make 70k easily

If you really want an easy way to get gold, stop paying $15 a month on a forum alt account and save two months to get a token


As some one with a functioning brain, I’m going to wait and see if the 70k is what gets you the portal to the city the gala of gifts is in before assuming that I actually get nothing. It would look rather foolish to throw such a tantrum over something that cannot be confirmed nor denied yet.

With quests giving 600 gold, multiple dragon riding races giving 500 gold, tuskar lockboxes giving greys that can vendor for a few thousand gold after less than 10 minutes of farming them, I think 4 digits is a ltitle low

Or they aren’t trying.

So you’ll pay 70k g for 10AP?

If you had a functioning brain, you’d realize the account is free.

Players are coming in here to defend the achievement with the premise of it being a 70k gold = 10 AP achievement.
Do you defend that as well?

My OP started with questions:

Players here are defending Blizz on the premise that it IS an achievement that trades gold for Ap directly.

Your main have the yak achievement and the great white tundra mount which awards achievements

You don’t have a problem with gold you just want to rant

Yes i do, because they are useful.

70k gold for 10 AP is NOT, what don’t you get?
Tell me of an achievement with worse return in WoW.

Paris hiltons bags which you also have that gives achievements

You’re literally just ranting for rant

Yeah, but they would say that the reward is the yak, likely dismissing that there is probably an overlap between people who do value achievement points and want stuff to spend gold on, making points worth to at least some.

Yeah, because the bag is worthless. Can find better on AH for very cheap.

There is no usefulness in the bag compared to what we currently have in relation to cost.

The worth is due to it’s rarity. Gold is not rare.

Don’t you get a FoS for getting leggo?

You can. My tastes are so hyper specific that I just do not care about most of what can be bought.

I don’t know why you had to go here. You have no idea who I am, or what I value. The fact that you think I should either let gold sit there or spend it on things I do not value just because you do when the gold was given to me as a gift for the purpose of the achievement and find a mentality opposed to that to be prideful and stupid is pretty egotistical.


How tf is that worse return?

If i were to buy that on Monday versus the Donation one.
1.2k or whatever it is versus 70k gold.
That is BETTER return, i asked for worse.

Comparing the Yak to this achievement is dumb and you know it.
Nobody will ever say 10 Ap is more useful than the Yak which also gives 10AP or more.

Usefulness is always when it appears, not 10 expacs later.

Not gold apparently.
Post your ego pic on Monday and be done with it.

Because this is dragonflight not burning crusade (or really wotlk) era

Anyone buying that bag in 2024 is not using the bag they are buying it for the achievement

The EXACT thing you are getting your undies in a bunch



if you not making 15k while leveling you are missing something in the process . Spending an hour a week on actual gold making is all that is required post level cap to get to seven figures easily .If you dont have gold its because you dont want to . I have spent 3 million on professions , 4 million on game time , 2.4 million on buying TWW plus another 1milion ish on other stuff ( repairs , consumables , etc ) and am currently 320K lower in gold than at teh expansion start, will probably end teh expansion well into teh positives . Gold is easy to make if you put the effort in --if you dont then thats on you .

I wont be getting this achievement. Its not compulsory , people have who want it will do it but achievement points do nothing in game so if you dont do it you miss out on absolutely nothing

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Gold during TBC and wotlk were also alot harder to get

Anyone gotten that bag back then meant they had money

So again you are contradicting yourself


What an odd gold sink. I guess they are just trying to take advantage of those players who have completion as their primary goal. Glad I’m not that, otherwise this design would suck the big one.

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Do you know what better return means?
Did you fail math?
1.2k for 10 AP is better return than 70k for 10 AP.
Dude, wthell?

How am i contradicting myself? The value is established at the time of buying it.
You also have the following situations:

  1. It’s TBC , spend 1.2k on bag, it’s useful.
  2. It’s Monday 5th of Feb 2024 and you spend 70k on donation achiev for 10 points, it’s not useful and costs 70k.
  3. It’s Monday 5th of Feb 2024 and you spend 1.2k on bag, it’s not useful and costs 1.2k

The bag achiev has better return on Monday than this achievement, due to having lower cost.
What don’t you understand about having better return?

BOTH of those achievements are easy to get

If you cannot get 70k gold within two weeks before the events over, you are bad at managing gold

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While I can put in this amount of gold easily I won’t be …this is a BS achievement, its pushing players to buy WoW tokens if they don’t have a lot of gold in game …so they get those type of players to drop $20 for a WoW token…this is same type of BS they did with the Long Boi back in BfA…

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That is not the point at all…no player should have to dump that much gold just for 10 points and get nothing in return other then those 10 AP …its Blizzard way of getting players with low gold amounts to buy WoW tokens by spending $20 dollars for what ever the amount of gold a token is worth right now…its BS.

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