70.000g to get an achievement?

I did all the quests and reset quests today. Earned like 30k gold total for a few hours of clearing the map.

Then send me 70k gold.

Log on, invite me and open trade. I am standing in Valdrakken.

Do we know anything about this “Gala of Gifts” we are supposed to donate to?

Maybe donating to it gets you… Gifts?

Maybe the reason the achievement has no rewards is because the act of donating is rewarding by itself.


Why not just send the g via mail?

I’m sorry, but this seems pretty small considering you can buy seasonal FoS’s, content boosts, and heck even rare spawns all in a way that Blizz allows.

I’ve probably tipped crafters more than 70k this xpac… that should count

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I mean you gota put some effort for 70k no ?

You could log in and in under 60s get 70k gold to complete this achievement, and you won’t log in to do it. I am standing here waiting. This is exactly why this is fake outrage, you’re just mad at Blizzard for no reason.

I am literally offering you the achievement rn.



Ill send it if you edit the OP to “sorry im a whiner”


Geebus, I’m poor as dirt in this game and 70k is something even I have or could get if I felt like it in roughly a day or two of just selling old herbs.

That’s also entirely possible. But instead of waiting to see what it’s all about… we must first be thoroughly outraged and dramatic for no reason!


I’ll log in right now. Adorability-MoonGuard. If homies are passing out gold and they aren’t taking it.


Sure, invite me. One moment.

bro tell him too late give it to the next guy

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You don’t see the difference in buying boosts that get you something… versus getting 10 achievement points?

More than Blizz has put in the reward for this achievement?

I would NOT buy it, because the act of doing so would make me a hypocrite.
So no, i don’t want your money, if you’d have sent it to me it would be returned in 30 days, because i wouldn’t log in the US account anyway.

You’d waste that amount of time to just get 10 achievement points? Sounds dumb, but maybe it’s what you’d do.
You can spend less time and get a lot more achievement points and other stuff along with them like titles/pets/etc.

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I don’t know how to invite cross realm besides posting a group.

i think its /inv name-server

First it’s, “I care! I’m outraged! This gets me something, because it’s a grey space in my achievement list!!!”

Now it’s, “This doesn’t get me anything!”

Make up your mind.

Congrats on your 70k.


Guy makes an entire forum thread and I offer it to him and he doesn’t take it. Oh well.


Aww… lookit all the good this drama thread actually did! :dracthyr_heart:


Lol this made my night