70.000g to get an achievement?

They pay for a sub on a US account that they won’t log into, but 70k fake gold for their coveted 10 achievement points is outrageous. That’s golden

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Thank you so much :sob:

10 seconds. It took me 10 seconds.


while i agree it is crazy. stuff like this existed since bc and wrath. with the shattered sun. where you pay 1000g for the title which in todays wow market is equal to


BAHAHAHAHA… I hadn’t thought of this. :rofl:

Thanks, running down stairs, when I come back I’ll donate 2 more. Funniest joke wins. Must be safe for forums.


You asked me why i care.
I said that it’s a grey space in my achievement list.

It’s 10 achiev points for 70k gold, you’d have to be a moron to do that trade.

Learn to read.

I don’t care about you getting free gold. I don’t have any need for it on the US account.
Will you buy the achievement with the gold? You’re not going to, because you know the achievement is a waste of gold.

Yes, a title, a title not 10 AP. If it had a title along with it, it would be fine.

What is 69+69??

Dinner for four.

i for one welcome gold sinks, especially ones not tied to FOMO items. inflation and wealth inequality are off the charts. WoW definitely needs more of this, or a wealth tax.

Well now that I’m on the spot my brain has turned into a television test card.

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No need for gold, but since you’re asking for jokes:

What do you call a Blood Elf Hunter that never got any Legendary items?
A: Leggoless :smiley:


Therefor, it gets you something if you did the achievement: no more grey space in your achievement log.

So you don’t actually care about achievement points or finishing your achievement log.

So it doesn’t really matter.

Problem solved!

I can read just fine, skippy. You just failed your own argument. Twice.

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Log on, inviting in a moment.

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If i put some crap right at your front door, instead of a box of skittles. You’d thank me for the crap, since it’s something?

I do achievements that are worth it.
This is not worth it, it’s the point of the thread.

You don’t think it’s worth it either.
If you think it is, show me your achievement when the event starts.

You as well, why not waste 70k more? It’s just gold, buy the achiev when the event starts.

Blizz can thank me later for the gold sinks.

Pass it on to some one who needs it, thank you though


I will on the principle of why the gold was being given.

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Great! Show the achiev off when it’s available.

Actually, every1 here who is for the achievement as it is, 70k gold for 10 AP, post a screenshot after you buy it.

Let’s see how many support this amazing achievement type.
Put your gold where your mouth is guys.

Again: Let’s maybe wait until we know what the heck is going on before the outrage starts.

Maybe donating to the “Gala of Gifts” gives you gifts. Maybe the Achievement has no rewards because there’s a bunch of rewards you can get by donating already, and rewarding the acquisition of rewards is redundant.

Let’s wait and see.

I did, you just refused to accept it and continue to whine. Still got it up for grabs, let me know when you’re done crying.


You didn’t buy the achievement yet, because it’s not available.
Do that when it is.

Being purposefully obtuse isn’t a personality trait.

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