70.000g to get an achievement?

So we are all freaking out over an achievement that has not even been activated and no real details released? GD forums operating as usual.


Sure, they could add 1 mil gold = 1k achiev points to the store if they want.
They could delete your character tomorrow.
Either would be fine with you and you wouldn’t bat an eye, i’m sure.

You wouldn’t, because you can buy other stuff to get 10AP or more, with less gold and get something useful out of it.

So it’s okay to be worked up after knowing the full details?
How so? You seem to be fine with the premise of buying AP with gold directly.

Are you freaking out? Why? Stay calm and read in an orderly manner.

Lots of people did complain about it at the time, but complaining about it now (well after many people bought it) is very unlikely to produce change.


Inability to count aside… there’s 6-8k gold in world quests up twice a week. While I would agree that the idea of the achievement as presented (unconfirmed) isn’t worth the cost, let’s not pretend that 70k is even remotely hard to earn.


It doesn’t matter what the reward is, as long as it costs enough gold to encourage WoW token sales, it is unethical.

If you think a meaningful amount of players are buying a token just to dump 70k on something, you’re impossibly out of touch with the game, and how to earn gold.

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Wrong wrong wrong…the Long Boi was never listed as a limited timed mount…and it was found out by a player going though some of the PTR files that found the change in the AP for buying it…so you can stop with the limited time thing it never happened and never printed for the Long Boi.

Yup. It’s Blizzard’s game and I don’t own anything - not even my character - so I don’t care if they implement some crazy expensive achievement. No one is making me do the achievement if I don’t want to.

I mean, I don’t think it’s healthy to get worked up over this at all, no matter what the details are. Again, no one is making you purchase the AP or get the achievement.

I am fine with the premise of buying AP with gold directly through a silly achievement because again… no one is making you do the achievement, so you don’t have to spend gold if you don’t want to.

This is your complaint post and you’ve posted like 100 times in the thread. I’d say you’re not calm lol

Heck I won’t even buy that one buff item from this expansion that gives you a buff on stats…it cost 50,000 Gold to buy it…same with last few of them …to high of a price…they last one of those so called buff stones you get from a faction rep was one I brought in Legion…at least for 50K your getting something for it…

So don’t do it. It’s obviously not for you.

It’s even funnier that you think this was meant for everyone.

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At the time the bag and its size were useful, and the achievement was just a side effect. Also, for the amount you paid for the bag back then that was a good amount of gold vs. now where you can make the gold in a few minutes of world quests. The size of the bag and the amount it cost is useless now except for achievement hunters.

Paying for the Yak was useful and again the achievement was a side effect. It is still a useful mount even today.

Paying 70k just for an achievement with no item with it just feels like meh. Not everyone wants or has the time to farm 70k gold just to gain 10 achievement points. For myself that’s about 3-4 weeks of only doing gold quests and I would rather be adventuring and helping my fellow players do content.

The Brontosaur while useful is not worth 5 million gold. Wasn’t around when it was offered and even if I had the gold, I would rather walk the 10’ to the actual auction house and be 5 million richer.

The irony of you posting this on a character with a shop transmog on it is hilarious.

Any “gold only” achievements of any kind are, since the inception of the token, intrinsically and irrefutably cash grabs by Blizzard. The fact that you can do them otherwise is utterly irrelevant; Blizzard knows that there is some portion of the player base that will absolutely spend money to get that achievement.

remember in bc when you could donate a few gold for rep?

Their insane video game OCD makes this impossible.


There may be something else attached to this achievement before the event goes live (or even added afterwords like Champion of the Dragonflights), but it wouldn’t surprise me if there wasn’t.

Log off the internet for a few days, please.

70,000 is five digits. You can’t even count to five?


The rings were good for the time and also are a teleport. I went back after the fact and bought them for alts I rolled after the ring was current just to have the teleport.

You don’t need the 10 achievement points cry me a freaking river.

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Considering the most upvoted comment is whining about how they’re poor I don’t think that’s an option for most players. They need it handed to them directly from Ion himself

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I’ve said over and over that I do not care.

Interesting. I have the gold and can probably recover 70,000 in a month but… I probably won’t get the achievement either.

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