70.000g to get an achievement?

No one argued for it. They said it’s irrelevant and you’re being dramatic for no reason.

All over something we don’t even have the full details on yet.

Sure they did, i’ll give an example:

@Adorability you’re okay with Blizzard putting in an achievement to spend 70k gold for only 10AP, yes?
We are keeping the premise here.

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You have 40+ posts in this thread so far

People who don’t care would either not make this thread or have maybe 2-3 posts to say and leave

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I finally found some of Fuzz’s posts…nothing in them makes me want to drop 70K in gold for 10 AP…now the only one that might spark a interest is if it opens up something else after you donate the 70K but right now we don’t know as Love is in the Air hasn’t started yet.

But I doubt anything will be extra …

Probably more.

You have a lack of understanding of context when talking about caring or lack of caring about something.

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Right? Like the 50,000g saddles. We’re not all hardcore AH players, Blizz.

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Yes you did you sneaky little cute fox…


Or maybe it’s an achievement that doesn’t bother me so much

You know what the average Joe would do if they decide to not get it?

They shrug and move on the next thing

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No, the achievement doesn’t bother you.

But a thread about the achievement does.

Then you’re free to go.

Probably but you’re rant is amusing because you’re letting a pixelated game that offers achievement points get to you

You’re letting a video game control your emotions and life

Like it’s living in your head rent free cause of your OCD

I’m glad you like spending 70k gold on 10AP. Make sure to post a pic of it on Monday.

You’re really getting emotional about my thread it seems, maybe if you drink some water you may calm down a bit.

This thread will surely have a room in yours.

I really dont like spending gold, its just an achievment, but the lunar festival is selling an dragon riding armor for 50k, same as the last year events…guess it will be this way now, i dont understand why

I don’t care about achievement points, but it is disgusting that they’re abusing achievement hunters, just like they abuse mount/cosmetic collectors.

Ideally players boycott this achievement.

At least your getting some armor for that 50K now…this is 70K for 10 AP points and that’s it…

GD must be bored on a Saturday night to be this outraged over an achievement we don’t even have all the details about, lol.

I’m sure there are plenty of people who are at gold cap, and because it’s a random achievement, would think nothing of dropping 70k just to drop it… just because that achievement simply shows they can.

I’m sure there are also plenty of people who don’t care about that and can’t/won’t drop 70k for whatever reason.

Cool. It’s almost like achievements are a thing that people can choose to do or not do, based on whether they personally find value in it or not. Neat.

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I won’t be putting 70K in for sure…unless it comes out later on there is something happening once you do the 70K that it might led too a mount or something…have to wait and see but as it stands with what is posted …its a fat no 70K from me.

Paying for achievements, this is ridiculous.

How quickly we forget the quest on Sunwell Isle that required donating 1000g for nothing in return but a title.

And 1000g back then was nothing compared to 70,000g now.

Just don’t get the achievement if you don’t want it like I don’t.

Let’s not forget the achievement for owning the Brutosaur mount. Don’t see you complaining about an achievement that cost 5,000,000g.

As it stands right now to me this is nothing more then a way to get low gold players to buy tokens is all as I see it…as I stated bit earlier if it leads to something else then fine but as it stand right now its a BS way to make money off low income player base.

You got the title for it.
You don’t get anything out of it now sans 10 achievement points.

If this had a title it would have been absolutely fine.