7 Months from Community Council...Did it miss the mark?

Yeah I agree with you, let the chips fall where they may the community council was a huge scam

We all know where the real feedback and communication happens. Twitter. Servers go down? Twitter. DDos attack? Twitter. Hacker was hacking…dial 1 800 Twitter.

I miss community managers. Seriously though, at least we get something from blues in the CC. Better than the infinite silence here at the bottom of the well.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

There was no reddit post. There was a discussion in the Hunter discord (Trueshot Lodge). It was mainly angst about that thread I linked. That tends to happen quite a lot about Maizou: she says something flatly incorrect about Hunters and doubles down on it, saying that since she plays the class for 18 years she can’t be wrong.

Usually it’s about the whole melee Survival debacle. Maizou is strongly in favour of it, a lot of Hunters aren’t. That thread I linked struck a nerve with a few of us (yes I’m the one that found it and I did share it on the TSL discord) because of the sheer degree of the inaccuracy and the subsequent doubling down/gaslighting. Yeah, it shouldn’t be a big deal; it’s some details about mechanics of a long gone spec. But it’s the sheer audacity of the dishonesty in that thread that takes the cake.

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Because the current CC-members are infuriating and I can totally understand when people react very resentful towards them.

Maizo is the only person who has a backbone when it comes to the uncomfortable topics, with Halite going into the vanity stuff, which is what most regular players care. The rest of them are too hand-picket with central focus on raiding. We don’t need them, to be blunt. We need regular players on the CC who are not focused on raiding.

The game lacks in its fantasy and class department when it comes to representation.


Honestly, there are only a very few CC members that actually post questions and thoughts that are not ‘yes-man’ oriented. What i mean by that is most just ask or present a view of a topic that is already blizz-friendly, hoping it gets used.
In fact, i can only count on 1 hand the amount of times ive actually read a CC post and said “wow that guy has got it!” Most dont address real issues and if they do its from a very “blizz the almighty” approach.
Also, most questions are very “me-oriented.” They approach a topic from a personal standpoint then proclaim “i dont think the playerbase…” yea, um, no.
What i would like to see is:

  1. Less pushing personal agendas. ie, no one wants more grind so dont say we do to push an agenda.
  2. Address actual concerns. There is alot of side stepping issues in the CC. For instance, a large amount of hunters want ranged surv back (no not mm 2.0 version get over it), yet we have yet to see even the slightest mention to it. Glad spec as well. Even frostfire mage builds. Etc…
  3. Promote buffing specs instead of nerfing when applicable. We all kno destro locks needed nerfed, but that doesnt mean some lowly 5 other specs didnt need buffed…
  4. Create connections between what is said in the CC forum and their respective forums for players to respond. Hunters just did it in their forums. Its a great way of receiving direct feedback to topics.
  5. Finally, CC are supposed to “representatives” of the community, however, that doesnt mean go up there and promote a personal agenda. It means “hey im seeing the community…”

These people are hand-picked after someone went through their posting history and their player habits. Blizzard settled for the people they are most comfortable with, namely those who agree upon most of what they want to do.

I found this Survival spec discussion silly from the beginning. This is the only spec which allows you to play a melee character with a pet and yet people are upset about this. It’s a very simple spec which is meant for casual players who want enjoy a certain fantasy.

I’m also in for letting it rest as it currently is. I repeat myself: This is the only spec which allows you to play melee with a pet. Orc warriors with a pet? This is your ticket.

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Oh, im fully aware. It was a PR stunt for sure.

You do know it used to be a ranged spec, right? A lot of Hunters played and enjoyed that spec and didn’t want to see it get removed for something that, let’s be honest, is extremely niche and mostly meant for people outside the class rather than people maining the class.

Besides, Unholy DK exists, and we already have a Hunter pet spec. We don’t need “ranged BM” and “melee BM” as separate specs in the same class. Just make a talented melee option within BM and call it a day. Hunters are heavily built around the ranged weapon, after all, and it’s pretty silly to start with one at level 1 and then have to throw it away at level 10 if you spec Survival.

This describes BM, not SV. In fact, historically SV has been heavily exclusive and niche with most casual players avoiding it.

Call me crazy but we should be designing Survival as a Hunter spec, not a Warrior spec.

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I agree.
There is alot of misrepresented and misunderstood ideas about surv and they are quite apparent on the forums…you can really tell who has or hasnt played the spec.
The spec itself is not simple, not at the least. The “normal” ST build with mongoose is just a nightmare. Its horribly overcomplicated, convolute, and clunky. Bomb build is better but still heavily depends on the tier set and leggo to even remotely be viable.
Ranged surv had a huge following before they screwed it up in mop. In lk it was the most played hunter spec. Honestly, blizz only changed it bc they needed something new to promote.

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SV was also the most played Hunter spec in MoP. It was mainly screwed up in WoD 6.2


From the post I seen, the Community Council is a waste of time.

They go into threads and just act annoying.

The small amount of people who enjoy raiding I am sure like to read what most of them saying, but the rest of us? They seem kinda clueless.


Yes, of course I know this. It was my least played Hunter spec. And I get it, you want the old spec back but that’s a Blizzard issue. They could simply add a fourth spec with a few new features and it would be fine.

Not an argument.

How would this work? Which skills get replaced?

The current Survival-spec is very simple to play. I would even rate it easier than Fury.

Our group plays one-spec only characters, with our gnome and goblin engineers fulfilling this spec fantasy with 2h pick axes, bomb build and pets. It doesn’t make it “misunderstood” because you cannot agree with someone on the internet.

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Most of the time when we post it goes unanswered. There have been few exceptions.

It gets discouraging to keep asking into the void.


This is not the problem. The issue is that the topics do not cover the concerns of the regular players. They dismiss the regular players because you represent them - but most of you do not care about what the regular players ask for. There are endless topics at your hand to pick from which could get some attention… and even if they do get attention, you guys are not fit for such discussions because you were handpicked by your habits and not competence.

Just look at the CC topic about possible Allied Races. Only two people answered. This is one of the big discussions the regular players have all the time but the CC does not care about them? Why? Because you were handpicked for this very reason. It’s no surprise when 75% of the discussions involve the current expansion but not evergreen or legacy topics. I would love to see regular race and class fantasy discussions there but this will stay a dream.

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Figures… The Community Council is useless.

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I would like them to ask about world quest design, and how they feel longer and more tedious with each expansion. Like I use to enjoy in legion logging on doing world quest quickly and leaving. Bfa onwards. World quest have been so long and tedious.

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Yes, this is a main concern with many players, including the butchered world quest finder which was perfect during Legion.

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If you know it then why is it so silly/surprising to you that people have angst against melee Survival?

slaps hands

No. Stop it.

New spec or GTFO.

Don’t change our spec.

I’m curious… I see people in this thread and every other community council related thread saying its bad or useless or a PR stunt or < fill in the blank >.

Aside from the fact that some people don’t feel well represented, (I’m sorry to you folks, I wish you aligned with someone or their thoughts, hopefully something will come soon that you resonate with :slight_smile: ) has the CC actually hurt anything? The overall effect has to be net positive, does it not? We’ve gotten more blue interaction than forums are used to, had some good questions answered, and gotten more communication on design philosophy etc.

I’m just curious why a net positive system gets as much hate as it does, never really understood it tbh.