60 ilvl of titanforging? Seriously?

I don’t know what the right way to do things is, but it did feel a little strange when the turtles handed me a 415 ring a couple days ago for completing their emissary. Who knew that shooting crabs and sea gulls brought such rich rewards…

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See? working as intended… :slight_smile:

Some people got there back in the days of raid tier sets. Most people didn’t, but it gave them something to aim for.

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Rings… Rings… sigh…

all I want from those amniotes is a trinket, maybe 2!!

“I put a quarter in a slot machine and won a million dollars! Nerf slot machines!”

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Getting good trinkets is indeed an eternal struggle.

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We wouldn’t want anyone else winning a million dollars now, would we? :smiley:

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Every single expansion… for me anyways.

And they also have the same chance that one of their 415 ilvl drops will forge up to 475 ilvl, causing the world to implode.

  1. What happened to you is not common.
  2. You kind of hit the lottery.
  3. It is OK to be happy

Here, have a snickers…

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That " what’s the point " felling comes from the need to be higher item level then people that don’t do end game content. So you really just proved the point Airc was saying, in a round about way.

The point should be in personal and group pride for completing the task of end game content. But you admit to wanting the bling.

I don’t think it matters how gear is obtained, what matters is what you can do with it, and not everyone can complete end game content. I personally like the system. As someone who has been a end game raider in the past to going casual. It adds more fun for all play styles.

Genuine curiousity. I’m guessing the former, obviously.

At 361 ilvl, you get 370s from WQ emissaries. You only need 10 ilvl of warforging to cover the range from 355-361 where this is an issue. If the WQ emissaries were scaled in a more fine grained way, you wouldn’t need warforging at all.

I think we could keep 10-15 ilvl of realistic forging without having the substantially higher amounts of forging that cause the motivation difficulties most are talking about in this thread.


Even if the chance of a 60 ilvl upgrade was one in a million, you should expect to see at least a few ones every now and then if you consider how many people out there plays this game.

I guess I logged out in my AH outfit. I’m on a RP server; wearing armor into the AH is frowned on.

You don’t even play the game anymore you troll the forums.

If you’re really curious why is it such a stretch to think i might be curious as well?

I have two different data sets. Wowprogress which i KNOW you cannot fake, and a linked armory from a hidden profile with different gear.

These two do not match up.

Incorrect. The maximum possible ilvl is 425.

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Thanks, good to know.

Yeah, I don’t disagree. But they baked in a chance for a much higher end result, which we are kinda stuck with for now. I, for one, am not complaining, even though I have yet to see anything beyond a normal Titan or Warforging.