It is expected and reasonable when another expansion drops for you to start progressing again. It’s how expansions work, it’s just a reset.
That aside, it’s the reverse anyway. We are talking about prior trivial rewards devaluing later challenging content rewards, the situation you identified however assumes you already had the challenging rewards instead.
You might want to look at getting those engineering goggles adjusted, they appear to be obstructing your view of anything aside from your own opinionated views.
How are the rewards shallow? I’m pushing mythic content and it is very satisfying downing a boss, regardless of gear thats dropped outside that raid. Its amazing how people complain about getting ONE or TWO pieces of forged gear and think it breaks gameplay/design. Its ridiculous. Then all of you act like its something that occurs on a daily basis or even weekly basis. Since the expansion dropped, I have gotten one ridiculous titanforge and a few 5ilvl warforges. It didn’t change how I played the game or made me any worse or better.
How YOU play the game dictates how well you play it, not gear. Never seen so many ungrateful brats complaining about whats deserved and what isn’t.
i like to raid. i like working as a team to defeat bosses. i havent been a high end raider in years, but i always get through heroic with my guild. at the end of the uldir tier, the highest item level character in my guild was a semi retired player who doesnt raid, doesn’t do pvp, and rarely does any mythic plus.
wrong or right this makes me feel like whats the point of raiding. i still do it because i enjoy raiding with my guild, but for many people i know the current system is slowly wearing them down and people are disconnecting from the game. which is sad.
i like having a clear character progression, not this completely random loot box system. give me something to WORK toward, not an endless stream of slot machines.
During Legion, I got one crazy titanforge on my gear across all tons. So far during BFA I’ve gotten one crazy TF, so it’s looking like it’s one crazy TF on average per expansion, which is not bad at all.
Or, and this is a wild theory, you just got lucky. You getting a TF piece does not mean the system is broken.
Nice story, except weapons can’t TF.
It was already significantly toned down with BFA, but that’s still not good enough for some people.
Except it’s never actually happened. People like you just make vague claims that it has happened, but never bring any real proof.
Then don’t do trivial content. Sounds like this is a “you” problem, not a game problem.
Because most of the time that’s what it boils down to. They hate the idea that some casual player might get a good piece of gear from playing the game the “wrong” way.
But the system is working as intended because that Jalen is wrong about how common TF is and there is no documented proof of casual players reaching Mythic raiding levels. You are just another Chicken Little screaming that the sky is falling.
Its part of the gimmie gimmie gimmie entitlement culture that is pervasive in society. Now that Blizzard has opened the flood gates its never going back, they have to pander to people who believe they are entitled to equality of outcome regardless of the work required to get there. They dont care that stuff like this only hurts the game. Once the game becomes so boring that everyone leaves they will just discard it and move to the next game where they will whine until they get what they want in that game to just repeat the cycle.
It isnt just titan forging its a culmination of the gearing system in the game at this point. Spamming mythic+ will grant you a bunch of warforged 400s, in 8.1.5 we will have heroic ilvl emissary rewards which is when you will start seeing people start to climb higher than heroic raiding ilvls who have never done a mythic+10 or a heroic raid. The previous tier ilvl available on trivial content the day after a 4 month patch cycle and much higher a week later.
I actually think it would have been better to cap the forging at specific levels and make it more prevalent rather than restrict it. Then everyone would have them instead of just lucky people, or people who spam so many mythic+s the odds go up.
Which greatly reduces their chances of getting 400+ gear.
So you’re just making things up. They only increase world quest rewards with a new raid tier. We aren’t getting a new raid tier in 8.1.5. Therefore your concern is unwarranted.
What it breaks is progression, both the sense of it, and the reality. I can loot the hardest boss in the expansion so far on the highest difficulty and have that drop not be worth anything because I got lucky in the titanforging lottery and have a piece that beats it by 10 i-levels and has a socket and leech. Oh, and I got it from killing crabs and seagulls, guiding a turtle through a simple maze, and playing a card matching game - and none of those activities posed any threat whatsoever to my character.
It’s not about stroking my (non-existent) epeen, and I don’t give a flying crap what your gear is. I’m not trying to “punish” casuals. There should be a cap on gear that forges. 10 i-levels would be perfect and it would be nice to bring back the valor system for something tangible to work toward. That way you can still get your nice surprises when you get an upgraded item level, but it’s not really going outside your progression.
No they dont, they increase it in the .5 catch up patch. How do you think people were getting 370ilvl rewards from emissaries prior to 8.1? 370 was heroic ILVL prior to 8.1.
They increased azerite gear from emissaries as a stopgap measure due to complaints about acquiring azerite gear.
Also, you needed to be nearly at 370 average item level to see 370 azerite gear from emissary quests. It wasn’t something that just showed up as soon as you dinged 120.
So again, they are not going to increase emissary rewards with 8.1.5. They will increase them again after 8.2 goes live.