It’s not about that. The OP felt the reward was too much for the content they were doing.
Telling someone to “just not equip it” is a bad argument against over-rewarding systems.
It’s not about that. The OP felt the reward was too much for the content they were doing.
Telling someone to “just not equip it” is a bad argument against over-rewarding systems.
Because If I say “hey this system sucks” then I should stick to my words right? Otherwise I’m being hypocrite.
You don’t like it? sure don’t equip it - Show them that you really don’t like this system.
If I gave you a lambo IRL or ferrari for free or doing nothing… would you say no take it? I didn’t deserve it? or would you ride it and then complain to your friends about you not earning it?
Its not being hypocritical. Hypocritical would be if they told others not to equip TF items then did so themselves. Theyre merely stating they dont like the system
No one is saying “I won’t equip it. Nor should you,” and then you see them equip it – as a hypocrite would do.
No. You can dislike the system and still benefit from it.
Let’s literally not a hypocrite. “I made $150,000 stacking boxes at Home Depot. My colleagues did pretty much did the same thing, but they only made $25,000. I’m glad I paid so much, but honestly, this feels a bit out of place.”
That’s literally what is being said. It’s akin to LFR giving Mythic Raid gear – most people find that stupid. You don’t get to change the narrative to fit your agenda.
No, earning incomes is not like titanforging.
If I change it to a Christmas bonus, will that satisfy your criticism?
You put effort in, you get rewards out. This isn’t difficult.
If it was game breaking it would matter but it is not. So it doesn’t matter. So, what the op got a big trinket… the world is going to end…
It doesn’t matter, the fact is:
YOU WILL NOT FIND A LFR/WARFRONT guy running around in full 415+
It just won’t happen, and you know it - sure he got lucky with 1 or 2 items? and that’s what 10% out of 90% people playing the game?
Who cares what others are getting is the real question?
Of course the typical answer “I don’t care, but but… but… It does effect my PARSES AND 3D PARTY program.”
Sure buddy, gl on trying to tell them to remove something that the casuals or the 80% of the actual playerbase are enjoying.
Almost as dead as remove LFR.
First that’s a opinion not shared by the majority. Second how do you know they aren’t here for attention? This whole thread screams DRAMA! And all the main forum drama queens rolled out for it.
Nice made up numbers you have there.
Made up number? let me guess, Titanforging is effecting Heroic/Normal raiders now?
As long as I remember, It’s only effecting the 2% M raiders because my parses against others ya know? and can’t BIS anymore.
You don’t know what the majority of the playerbase wants, neither do I.
Because this has been a widespread complaint since beta.
No one is saying that.
Citation needed.
Again, you’re trying to change the topic. Not only are you being dishonest, you’re delusional.
It’s best to ignore you. Clearly.
Because I’m being honest?
Why is random lotto such a problem? OP likely won’t ever see that big of a gain again, so why stress over it? Even if I was mythic raiding and busting my behind 12-14 hours a week to progress, i’m not going to get bent out of shape because some casual got a lotto roll.
OP came to soapbox over something he/she considers to be an issue, while having it equipped. A system they supposedly hate, but not enough to forgo reaping the benefits of it. This isn’t some salary that’s needed to get by in life, it’s a trinket that he/she equipped to help do world quest slightly faster. If OP wants to convince me the system is flawed and needs to be fixed, he/she should link a video of their character deleting the trinket. That would send a bigger messages.
Not sure why people are so thirsty to go back to the “raid or quit” days of WoW. It also seems like a lot of people don’t actually enjoy the game outside of inflating their epeen numbers.
Why anyone cares what gear other people are getting (that they also have access to) is beyond me. You can’t even idle in town anymore to flex your epeen because of sharding. Nobody cares what you’re wearing. Play the game to enjoy it.
However I suppose the grass is always greener, and it is possible we were all having way more fun standing around in town doing nothing because raid lockouts were the only way to improve our character.
oh you think this is about getting upset over what others got? You are mistaken