60 ilvl of titanforging? Seriously?

I don’t care if it took you half a second. It’s STILL hidden.

As for their link this thread has 221 posts. Not reading thru all that.

Actually, it doesn’t matter at all.


It sounds from discussion in this thread that most people who are in favor of forging would also be okay with that. Maybe that’s the solution?

The person that was 385 during Uldir probably did a lot of mythic+ dungeons.

In the long run i seriously doubt OP you did get 360 tintanforgded to 420

This thread doesn’t even get .01% of the player base. I don’t think we can get any solution from this thread.

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That’s not common. I get that a lot of people don’t like titanforge, but spreading misinformation is not helping your cause.

For some reason it won’t let me quote myself, that’s alright though. While you are suspended from the forum you should practice the following -

I’m not sure if you’re trolling me or not. You literally cannot hide your armory.

These few steps may require you to press a few extra keys but I’ll show you how in my easy to use manual I call “How to see someones armory when they think they can hide it on the profile” . I assure you I will make this as easy as possible for you.

Step 1: open your preferred internet browser

Step 2: in the url bar of your preferred internet browser type www . WorldofWarcraft . com (no spaces between the periods)

Step 3: On the upper right side of the window you should notice a small icon that appears to be in the shape of a magnifying glass. I like to think of this icon as a search tool, perhaps something like an old school detective might use in a cartoon.

Step 4: use your mouse to click on the magnifying glass icon

Step 5: in the search field type in the characters name you wish to search for

Step 6: if there is more than one character with the same name of the character you are searching for, then you must locate which character it is

Step 7: when you find the correct character that you are searching for use your mouse to click on the portrait of that character

Step 8: you win

It’s really that easy, you don’t even have to thank me. There are times in which a character cannot be found. Usually those instances are when that specific character is being transferred somewhere, is inactive, or is due to the Blizzard web team not being able to keep their website in working order.

If there is anything else I can help you with let me know and we can trade btag’s.

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Nope, try again.

You get an ‘error undefined’ message when you try to search someone with a hidden profile, using your method.

Get right.

Moving on.

OP acts like this is a terrible thing, yet equips the item anyways

Some people just want to be stir up drama and be the center of attention.


It is a terrible thing and they aren’t here for attention.

if it’s so terrible, why did he equip it?


If I get a terrible thing, I don’t equip it. Period.

The op isn’t a character doing progression raiding or pvp or anything else where there is any sort of external peer pressure to have the absolute best gear. No. This is a character who could have scrapped this “terrible horrible item” that he has complained about.

There’s nothing wrong with getting a lucky break.
There is plenty wrong with being a hypocritical drama queen.


You have to be trolling. If you’re being serious, it’s absolutely amazing to me that you can’t figure out how to Armory someone or that you think hiding your armory is possible. Sometimes the website itself screws up (like I couldn’t armory myself earlier today) and gives the error code you mentioned, but that’s not the result of nor the same thing as “hiding” your profile, which is currently impossible.

Because the base item probably wasnt a choice? If they needed to upgrade the slot theyll do so, but that doesnt mean they have to like it. Its foolish to gimp yourself out of spite of a system you dont like.

Theres nothing wrong with OP being displeased. You dont have to agree


to common? Ive literally never seen that happen, I get like… one titanforge in an entire expansion.

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show me a profile of someone who only does LFR and warfronts with a mythic raiders ilvl

A LFR/Warfront guy will never ever be around 415+ ilvl.

Please stop acting like there are millions of people around 415+ from doing nothing or just WQ’s.

Get real, sure the system sucks but at least don’t put random stuff just because you hate it.

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I agree it’s not possible.

Also have never seen this happen. Looks like the OP just came here to brag about how insanely lucky they got. I’ve never even heard of a 60 ilvl upgrade, never mind seen it. Nor even half that.

Understatement of the week.

I’ll flesh that out a little more…

Ilvl increase from 0-200 as you level 1-120 - 60 ilvl is more than 25% of that.

Between 110-120 current tier is about 120 levels - this is 1/2 of that.

The forge was 1/2 the available upgrades for the tier…

That’s just flat insane.