60 ilvl of titanforging? Seriously?

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, armory apparently displays a base number instead of the titanforged number for the proc effect. On the actual piece in game, it shows a proc effect of just over +1000 main stat. I’m afraid I don’t have a way of proving that to you, though.

Third party website vs the official website. Have you ever heard someone faking their profile on here? LFR heroes would pose as mythic raiders and casual bgers would pose as gladiators if that were possible.

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Incorrect. Weapons from your weekly cache are ALSO capped at +10. That’s 420. Link me a single dungeon weapon at level 425. ONE.

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I’ll believe it, Armory is flawed as heck.

At least i was correct that the tiny numbers on that trinket made no sense.

I find this very difficult to believe.

Not sure why people just don’t enjoy their luck. I wish I could be as lucky!

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Actually I didn’t. Because I’m talking about what I was doing compared to what I could have been doing to get to the same conclusion.

Yes, I agree wholeheartedly.

FWIW. Most people against WF/TF would be totally okay with limited Titanforging to +10 or +15. It’s these mega-jackpots that are annoying.


Off topic, but it’s simply a factor of how the weekly chest works. Items from the chest start from base ilvl and the the system starts adding ilvls based on your highest key. Since anything more than 10 ilvls over the item’s normal value is considered Titanforged that’s typically how high-key chest items are tagged. It’s also how you can have a “titanforged” weapon in the first place when under natural circumstances they can only ever Warforge.

I can agree that WF/TF should be toned down, but I differ slightly on how. ATM sockets and tertiary stats add rng on top of rng. Without them I feel the system works.

I think gem slots should be added to existing pieces via the gear making proffessions. Leatherworking would make a 1 and gone add socket to boots item.

Blacksmithing would do weapons (probably make it so you can only have 1 weapon with a socket to prevent dual wield having inherant extra stats over 2 handers).

Tailors would do your cloak, jewel crafters your rings, and maybe inscription could do trinkets though it is somewhere in between a consumables/gear proffession so thats up in the air. I am in favour of more gem slots though so I say give it too em.

Tertiary stats would be gained by enchants, for basically every piece that can’t currently have an enchant.

This would give player’s a level of customisation of their gear and help reduce the tripple threat rng of the current titanforge system.
At the same time it would make proffessions more meaningful and stimulate the ecconomy. Every proffession would have a consumable to make that is in constant high demand.

Then the TF system provides it’s main aim. Anything you do in the game, has a chance to provide you with an upgrade. Progression is the game of MMOs. When it stops, it becomes boring.

The “problem” I feel at the moment is that the gear treadmill is more visable now than it ever has been. Some people can’t handle being aware of it, even though they kind of always were. It was just a bit easier to shut it out years ago. Now I think we have mostly been around too long and it’s too hard.

The endlessness of it starts to wear on them. Sooner or later I always burn out on MMOs for this very reason. I go back to single player games for awhile because they have an end.

It is exactly the endless nature however that keeps one comming back. It is actually why many people even play MMOs in the first place. Progression. There is always something better to aquire, more to do. If there’s nothing more to get, no way to improve my toon, then there’s usually only so long the game can hold you.

I have seen many claim there is no longer BIS. BIS still exists. I know that as a sin rogue, atm my BIS weapons are the highest ilvl Howl’s crystal shiv I can get my hands on. It has my best stats on it.

While my endless quest for that continues however, I might get the dagger from opulance or king, or one of the other M+. This provides me with an upgrade to tide me over, while not ending the quest for optimal loot. Preventing burnout from running the same raid or the same dungeon until your eyes bleed and still not getting anything worthwhile. Dagger’s (being weapons) are kind of a bad example since the dps is the most important stat, but the same holds true for every other piece.

The old system, that some preferred, did cause problems. Because then as now you have extremes. Of course it doesn’t happen to everyone, but it happened a fair bit.

A guild raids every week. Loot is dristributed fairly. However for a few weeks, nearly every boss is dropping dps leather. So now you have a couple rogues (or druids, sticking to vanilla and tbc classes.) that are almost full BIS, maybe missing 1 piece that drops from last boss. Meanwhile there’s a player or 2 in the raid that have gone weeks without an upgrade.

Now the rogues are bored and frustrated that the final boss won’t drop that last bit they need, and the ones that haven’t gotten an upgrade are the same. They all quit the game, guild now needs to recruit more people. Blizzard hopes some new players sub.

Sometimes the rogues would be the type of people who can happily compete with each other and keep grinding on. Some people could make alts and start trying to get them finished. You never really could though, if there was more than 1 tier of raid out. Not unless everyone in the guild made alts to raid with and wanted to do the previous tier. So sooner or later, many people would leave. After all, you’re just doing the same thing, with only a tiny hope of reward. Every time you don’t get it, frustration grows.

This was because the raid was the only place you could get upgrades. There was no point to doing anything else.

Sooner or later, the new raid tier or expansion is released, and the quest for the best gear starts all over again. Treadmill. Was always there.

The TF system also prevents item bloat. I know with so many items in the game atm that might sound wrong, but think about it. Two specs of the same class (even pure dps like rogues) can function quite differently and need/value completely different stats. So every combination has to be covered.

In BoD most of the pieces do not have optimal stats for my spec. There are actually only a couple of pieces in the entire place that I want. To be optimal most of my gear needs to come from M+. That’s ok though, because it can TF up to a level thats competative. If not, then every boss’ loot table would have to at least double to include a piece with every possible stat combination that is optimal for every spec. Making the chances you get what you want even lower.

I can mostly understand the point of view of those who dislike the system. I feel if you take a step back though, the good out weighs the bad.

Yes it’s possible for a WQ item to forge up to max ilvl but it’s like winning the lotto. It simply means that almost anything I happen to be doing might give me an upgrade. I feel that’s much better than having to wait for raid night (or dungeon night, they used to have lock outs too) and then having to wait another week when my piece doesn’t drop.

Very much this. What the warforge system started out as was fine. Just a nice little bonus that wasn’t so commonplace. What the system has turned into is just disappointing.


No, you actually can’t.

Life isn’t as complicating as you’re making it.

I mean yeah of course. Doesn’t feel good when you replace a piece of raid gear with gear that took 1-2 minutes to obtain. Replaced my ring back in uldir with this 385 world quest ring and was pretty disappointed. Happy that I got an upgrade, disappointed it was from something that took me 1 minute to do.

Just don’t understand why we couldn’t have the warforge system from MoP. That way if you get a warforge it feels nice but it’s not some big huge deal that can either be really nice or really bad. Titanforging just doesn’t feel good. Too much RNG with gearing now, almost every aspect of gearing is RNG. They even removed reforging which helped combat the RNG slightly. So now we have no way of ever knowing what we’re actually going to get. Am I going to get a 425 belt with leech and a socket or a 415 belt with nothing? Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

There are certainly ways to help remedy the titanforging RNG issue. Maybe add valor points back so you can choose what gear to upgrade, maybe cap titanforging, maybe add reforging back so I don’t get a titanforged piece of gear that has horrid stats and I can’t even use it. There’s plenty of issues with TF, it’s not some fun little system, it seems quite unhealthy for the game and raiding community in general.

I don’t mind there being other ways to obtain gear like getting heroic-mythic quality gear from high level mythic+, or normal mode gear from world bosses and such but titanforging just doesn’t fit in with all that. It felt pretty bad when I replaced a mythic piece of uldir loot with an item from world quests which I’m still wearing.

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Again, his profile is hidden. You are wrong.

All your mount drop luck has been used up on a piece of gear you could replace with something out of a normal 3rd tier raid…

I’m not sure if you’re trolling me or not. You literally cannot hide your armory.

These few steps may require you to press a few extra keys but I’ll show you how in my easy to use manual I call “How to see someones armory when they think they can hide it on the profile”. I assure you I will make this as easy as possible for you.

Step 1: open your preferred internet browser

Step 2: in the url bar of your preferred internet browser type www . WorldofWarcraft . com (no spaces between the periods)

Step 3: On the upper right side of the window you should notice a small icon that appears to be in the shape of a magnifying glass. I like to think of this icon as a search tool, perhaps something like an old school detective might use in a cartoon.

Step 4: use your mouse to click on the magnifying glass icon

Step 5: in the search field type in the characters name you wish to search for

Step 6: if there is more than one character with the same name of the character you are searching for, then you must locate which character it is

Step 7: when you find the correct character that you are searching for use your mouse to click on the portrait of that character

Step 8: you win

It’s really that easy, you don’t even have to thank me. There are times in which a character cannot be found. Usually those instances are when that specific character is being transferred somewhere, is inactive, or is due to the Blizzard web team not being able to keep their website in working order.

If there is anything else I can help you with let me know and we can trade btag’s.

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Here’s some easy steps for you.

  1. Click on the OPs post.
  2. Click view activity.
  3. See what it says.

Again, hidden does not mean impossible to find.

How about we increase titanforging and make all gear a 100% chance to forge to 425?

That way we don’t need to do meaningful progression since gear is already maxed out and then we don’t have to play the game since we already won.

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I don’t care if they think they can hide their “profile”, it took me a solid 5 seconds to find their armory and see that they have an ilvl 420 trinket blue trinket with leech that they probably got from a world quest. They even linked their “profile” in the thread and another poster linked a screen shot of the trinket. lol

Sometimes the most basic things in life can be the most difficult for select individuals.