60% brewfest mount?

surprised ppl arent in arms about this

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why would they? It was only in the first time brewfest came out.


and blizzard messed up last years brew fest

plus theyre letting scarablord/r14 from SoM taint our classic realms OMEGALUL

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As much as I would like it this year since I got really really lazy last year, I’m with Kalastab on this one.

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people are usually at work

did you not read the blue post we all knew what we were getting here…this post is because you didnt read?

link the blue post???

im not your dad you can look at the tracker and find it yourself kid

baited the troll. thx for exposing urself

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Fair point. Doesn’t matter to me if they add it in or not, but I guess they might as well.

Classic ERA only*

They will never see TBC or WoTLK Classic.

I remember them telling us in a blue post last year that it would only be in the game for that first year. It fact, it’s how I found out it even existed lol.

Snooze ya lose.

Nah, blizz said in a blue post that SoM will be able to choose either Era or WOTLK.

there will be a way for Season of Mastery characters to transfer to either Classic Era or Wrath of the Lich King Classic for free

They can go to both, if I am understanding his post.

One of my most pleasant surprises in this game was grinding out the tickets to be able to buy the rams in TBC on this toon when I was still leveling and could only get the slow one, then finding out the merchant was still open to sell the fast one to me the next year. Still to this day he can sell them.
This was second only to when I fished up a turtle mount in Wrath doing a fishing daily while having no idea it existed.

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I see them for sale from a guy right next to the ram riding quest. But I also got them last year. 10g for the slow one, 100g for the fast.

Not for sale on a character that didn’t get them last year, so yeah, only available if you got em. It’d be nice if all characters on an account that got the ram could buy it since mounts aren’t shared.

its like 5 ppl who have these… you wont even see them lol

We want 60% mount!

This is bullcrap, they said these characters would never see the light of the progressive realms.

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Bluepost I linked above litteraly says they can go to wotlk…and I have never seen them say they would never be able to.