60% brewfest mount?

Slower mounts facilitate social interaction somehow!!!111one

60% is buyable for people that obtained the hand stamp before.

(Same as it was in vanilla).

I farmed for the 60% last year, people couldnā€™t understand why.
But I knew

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they did not in fact say that.

  1. Classic era characters would never progress.
  2. SoM would be able to copy to Classic Era after its end.

Where do you keep getting that som wouldnā€™t be able to xfer to wotlk? I canā€™t find it anywhere, and either way its clearly outdated as newer posts continue to say they can. End of point.

considering they said months ago that SoM would have the choice to classic era or to wrathā€¦

When SoM was announced it was said, clearly, and you can check for yourself: Once SoM is ended, they would transfer to CLASSIC ERA.

And it was said Classic Era would never progress to TBC or anywhere.

Read it.
Read it twice.
Read it many times.

They changed instance for $$$

How can you say it was changed for $$$ when the post says the transfers are freeā€¦ makes perfect sense, and you continue to fail to link the source saying they will never transfer to woltk and only era. I am still looking through old announcements and promotions for som, and still 0 mentions of that.

Iā€™m just asking for a source of the claim because I am genuinely curious.

Yeah the hand stamp was what you bought last year. That unlocks the vendor for the mounts. The hand stamp was only available last year and you canā€™t get it anymore.

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retain those players who would otherwise leave at the end of SOM.

I highly doubt people kept playing som because they wanted to play wotlk. Those who did continue som because of transfers to wotlk after som ends would keep playing even if there was no wotlk transfers, just that they would have started playing tbc to be ready for wotlk instead. So those players would still be giving blizzard their money even if blizzard didnā€™t let those people transfer.

Yet that is your assumption, whilst Blizzard is offering that with their insight on it.

If you say so. Lolā€¦

he canā€™t give a source because heā€™s just making things up to have something to talk about

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