6 week wait for Catalyst in DF S1

Not to mention, at a certain point, even a mob melee attack can be a 1 shot to a mythic geared player, but I’d like to think that point is way up there in M+

Skill won’t help against unavoidable one shots either, that’s when you get into the territory of meta comps for cheese strats.

Late season, you’re more likely to be stuck grouping with people hard stuck on their ceiling. They got there late, and can’t push forward more. And your own push gets slowed down or completely stopped by the fact you can’t push with those people.

Pushing early season means you’re in a crowd that’ll reach higher ceilings in general, making early season pushing much easier. The faster you can gear out and push high, the easier the push will be and the higher you’ll reach.

Currently, the 22-24 bracket is filled with people hard stuck that can’t stay alive to Spectral Charge.

i don’t think you understand why having tier set bonuses is important in M+ :grimacing:

it’s a min/max activity - moreso than any raid encounter, because more is expected from an individual. so having these things is absolutely necessary to progress.

They have to. Otherwise “world first” and “meta” would run keys like crazy to get tier sets, and they have make them feel special. Please how dare you

Pushing early season means you’re in a crowd that’ll reach higher ceilings in general, making early season pushing much easier. The faster you can gear out and push high, the easier the push will be and the higher you’ll reach.

That’s pugging. If you have a set group, it’s irrelevant.

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No, it’s not necessary to progress. It just makes it easier and might make you reach higher points.

you don’t know what you’re talking about, :rofl:

anyway i just wanted to add, the way the valor system works - it’s absolutely necessary to min/max your gear and take huge steps early in the season, because of various upgrade thresholds

that’s one reason why players traditionally do the highest key they can before the upcoming season.

Why would you run keys ?

Just convert non tier raid loot.

Newsflash, that’s how most high end keys are run.

That’s why it’s not a good idea to speak of things you have no clue about.

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Oh, I do understand, but the argument for such was first made by one that asked about people who don’t raid, when he himself tends to use the “you don’t do the content, so why do you need the gear from said content” stance.

I am all for M+ runners getting tier, but I’d like to see at least some equality in how players are treated by other players. Like if M+ runners can get tier from the catalyst earlier, the same can be said for those doing the world/solo content (and just to note, there might not be anything like Yorghast or the mage tower on DF drop, but Blizzard could add such in patches). Yet ones like the OP tend to come across like “they don’t need this gear for the content they do, yet we don’t do the content for the gear yet we need it for the content we do”.

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Because raid gear can drop once per week while you can run keys as much as you want.

Newsflash, that’s how most high end keys are run.

That’s why it’s not a good idea to speak of things you have no clue about.

Good luck pugging stuff that doesn’t show up in the LFG tool.

Highest key in LFG right now, +30

But that’s the point champ : M+ is THE CONTENT. You need gear from THE CONTENT. Catalyst is what enables Tier in THE CONTENT.

Yeah and M+ loot is hard stuck sub-heroic ilvl. Why would you convert some crappy loot to tier instead of your week 1 Mythic ilvl drops.

Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

I often put a rating requirement because I’m tired of declining folk I have 0 chance of inviting.

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This is when posting on alts would be better. It would be far more credible if you were actually in the high key range.

As far as Mythic+ is concerned this is my alt.


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M+ gear can be upgraded

Yeah, if you’re ready to wait 10-12 weeks for the valor cap to rise to acceptable levels.

yeah you’re only in top 1% world! do better imo :eyes:

it’s always a low level classic alt taking the shots :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

and if that’s your main, that’s still not “high.”
Front page of raider io shows +33,34,35.

Top 1% in the world is not high enough to you ? On a non-meta spec to boot.

Take the L bro.

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Below cryptic hero.
So nope.