6 week wait for Catalyst in DF S1

This is so false it hurts.

Take the best M+ players, strip them of 20 ilvls and all their tier. Ask them to retime their highest timed key.

Why so much ilvl stripping? I never said that gear was useless, just that it only takes you so far, 15 is the current cap for end of dungeon and vault loot, people can continue to push beyond that without raiding if they so choose, Some might set foot into mythic raid for gear that will help them get to +20-+25, but what happens when the M+ has scaled so high that even mythic raid gear is not a guarantee of timing if you play well?

Ah yes. Tier only working in raids. Im sure that’ll have no negative impacts at all.

You said skill takes over.

As in the gear got them to x, but to get to y it takes more then the gear, it takes the skill to use it to maximum ability. I am just not sure when even mythic raid gear is not enough to time a key.

Skill does take over, but gear+skill is what pushes people to great heights, ting is gear stops at a certain point, skill can always improve, so what happens when gear stops improving?

To put it bluntly, does M+ provide gear above 15s? it currently does not, so the only way to push beyond that, without mythic raids, is to practice and increase skill, I set 20 as the limit for skill being at the forefront as that is where the last reward, the portals, are kept. It could easily be higher for mythic raiders, but even they will hit a point where the gear alone is no sure thing.

Gear helps a whole lot.

But it is not the only factor. you and others are acting like gear trumps all, I was just pointing out that there is a time or M+ level that gear stops getting better and skill takes over.

Gear+skill-=the best
Gear or skill=one can make up for the other

In other words, once you hit the gear cap, skill takes over, if you het a skill cap under the gear cap, more gear can make up for it, once you hit both, you are more or less done

instead of having catalyst, Blizzard should just give people tier gear. Make the entry set craftable or something, making professions more relevant in the process.

Hardly. Watch the game die if this happens.

Having seen how players play at the 2600-2700 levels, hell yeah it is.

Inviting any non-meta spec at all is a way larger damage drop than 5-7%.

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Inviting a non meta spec that doesn’t have 4 pc is a double whammy.

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Make everyone equal ilvl and gear, you think people will perform the same?

No, but take anyone at any level, strip them of 20 ilvls and you think magically they’ll time their highest timed key ?

if they aren’t pushing, yes. If they are, prob not.

Gee whiz. what a surprise comeback I didn’t expect.

Of course you didn’t read the premise :

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I’m not a fan of the time gate (I also think it shouldn’t have any charges), but highest timed keys don’t happen until near the end of the season after months of gearing and perfecting strats.

The creation catalyst timing has 0 bearing on it. Nobody is timing their highest key ever in the first 2 months of a tier.

And key levels where the gear rewards stop are tuned easy enough to not come close to needing the power any server bonuses provide.

Of course it has, early season pushing is pretty important.

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It’s not that gear doesn’t change things but rather skill affects a lot more than gear. Some things will remain one shots and adding more gear won’t do anything.

Cryptic hero alts (-20 ilvl) vs max ilvl people who’ve done LFR.

How far would these groups go?

Why is that? M+ is stuff you can do at any time. Pushing early doesn’t do much, there’s no permanent advantage (excluding some gear drops.)